Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Off to Alexandra Palace to shoot The Featureheads who were support to The Pixies. I was with the Futureheads at Reading Festival last weekend. I first met them in Japan, up at the Fuji Rock Festival. We then hung out a bit in Tokyo, they are very nice guys..
So I shot the show and then after them shot The Pixies. I had shot Frank Black and co last weekend as well at The Reading Festival. At Reading the stage was very high and we were very close to it. Subsequently, we were shooting up their noses, so to speak. Here at Alexandra Palace it is a slightly duifferent set up. We are very close to the stage, but fortunatly it's not anything like as high. So, This time I get very different pictures. They are also wearing different clothes.. So all quite good really..
James Quinton was also shooting the gig and he managed to blag a lift from me. So, I dropped him at Kings Cross station. He tells me he is buying a car in a few days, so, a message to the residents of East London, watch out for him driving a small Peuogeot around town like a mad man..
The Favours were playing tonight at The Dublin Castle, in Camden Town, London.. I really wanted to get down there to see them. But sadly, didnt have time at all to get over there. I am sure it would have been a great gog. They are going to be HUUUUUGE.. Watch out for them.. They are really brilliant.
After dropping off James I headed off to meet up with Babyshambles at the studio where they are mixing their first CD. Mick Jones from The Clash was also there, as Mick is producing it. I had my laptop with me and Adam and Mick looked through the photos of the Babyshambles gig at Reading. They hadnt seen them before.. The gig was mad at Reading, what with a sort of mini riot. I didnt hang around too long and headed off home to start edoiting up the The Futureheads and The Pixies.. Managed to get to bed at about 4 AM..
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Iggy Pop at Hammersmith Apollo - London
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
Down to Hammersmith to shoot Iggy Pop (The Stooges). I met up
with my mates Glen Matlock, Ray McVeigh and Koozie Johns outside. The placee seemed far more crowded than normal.. Must have been very sold out. I waited ouside with all of the other photographers and I passes were brought out to us.. After the crowds had subsided we were led around the back and in the side door to shoot the show. As we got to the side door we could hear that Iggy was already on stage.. In we rushed.. It was all a bit mad in there.. Luckily I had already got my cameras out of my case and ready to shoot.. We all got straight into it and as we did, Iggy started to hit the photographers.. He was kicking us and swinging his microphone at hi speed around our heads.. I must admit it didnt bother me at all. I just got on with it shooting all the way through it.. He is one hell of an entertainer.. The wonderful James Quinton took a shot of me in the photo pit with Iggy. I think its a really nice shot.. That is me in the middle, blue shirt and laughing at Iggy. Mind you I need to lose weight... Starting today, honest...

Copyright 2005 James Quinton
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Reading Festival Day 3

I saw Bruce Dickinson backstage and had a nice chat about flying.. It was also great to see, Gaddsy and Peter Lokranz. It seemed that the whole Iron Maiden crew were here and on great form. I saw the ever happy Ross Halfin and we said hello to each other. I told Ross I had heard he is going digital. He said NO I AM NOT, IT'S RUBBISH. Well he would know.. It was so nice to see him!
I shot Marilyn Manson and then I made aerrangements to go up the lighting tower wehich is halfway back into the crowd.. I wanted to shoot the back of the crowd from up there. So, through the crowd we were escorted, me James Sharrock and David Atlas (two other photographers). Then up the bloody tower, with all cameras etc... Ummmm now I was there I thought should I be doing this all in the name of photography. So, up the ladder I went to the first level... Then up and up again.. Small narrow metal ladders against the wall.. Rather interesteing.. Once I got up there I got some great shots, then thought, ummm... now I have to get down. It would have been easier to jump.. But it was bloody high and I would have surely killed about 100 people.. So, I opted for the old fashioned slowly down the ladder routine. Well after a few ladders and levels I arrived back safley on Terra Firma.. Phewww..

Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
I headed off to the Press tent to get ready for Iron Maiden.. Nicko phoned me and asked me where I was.. I told him and he sent Dave (he who climbs Mount Killimangiro) Pattenden out to find me.. I was then escorted to the stage where I shot the whole Maiden show.. Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
Security were being a bit heavy handed with the crowd, but in any event it was a fantastic gig.
After the gig I went out and met up with Phil Hilborne. I hadnt seen Phil since our little footballing bet (which I wont do again)
I paid him in full.. Phil also told me that he is getting married this coming Sunday, but had forgotten to mention it to me and loads of other people as well. Suddenly Nicko, who was in his dressing room, was on the phone asking us where we are.. We then headed backstage to the dressing rooms. There was Nicko, with a chest infection and very very large glass of expensive red wine.. It was so nice to see him, he is a proper geezer. We sat and chatted and then Bruce came in and then Adrian Smith and Dave Murray. Adrian and Ohil Hiborne were talking guitars, mostly chatting about the 'nice note that he gets from his Gibson SG' It was nice to see Steve Harris. Steve and I had a cghat about our cameras, Steve uses a Fuji S3 and is a keen photographer in his spare time. He also said he get all of the photo magazines and the Fuji advert featuring me was on th back cover of every one he saw. He said it was very funny seeing it all the time.. Angie Jenkison was there as well and then there was the call from my friend Nathalie Smith to do a shot or two, So, we did a group shot and started to make a move out of the site..
The end of another tireing and very eventfull day... Back home, more editing and eventually, as the sun came up, off to bed..

Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Reading Festival Day 2
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
Got up and rushed back down to Reading. If I do this next year, I think I will stay in a hotel nearby. It's not the travelling, just that I would save a couple of hours a day and could get more shots edited and out.
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford

So, I arrived at the site and again, got straight into it. Today was going to interesting as my mates Babyshambles were playing here today. This should get things going down here at Reading. I hope they are all ready for Pete Doherty & Co !!
I did a shoot with The Suffrajets and Razorlight. Then made my way over to the NME stage to shoot someone else whenI got a call telling me that Pete was in the Carling VIP lounge.. I made my way through the crowd and got ith there. I saw Pete sitting on the couch in the corner. He stood up and came over to me and gave me a hug. No sooner had we sat down together and started talking when a fan came over and asked for his autograph.
Pete obliged and then said he wanted to swap shirts with him. Which they did and it was very funny. I then went with Pete back to the other end of the site and went and sta in the Babyshambles Tour Bus. They were using their dressing room whcih was provided by the organizers. We took loads of photos and just hung out for a while. From then on I seemed to be spending most of my time with Pete & the lads..
I decided to shoot the Babyshamble show from onstage. Standing inthe photo pit was not a good option for me. The security at this event were rather jumpy and seemd to be over reating at any given chance. So, when the band were ready, just before they went on, we did a band shoot.
Then on towards the stage. I was shooting all I could from everywhere I could get to, behind Adam the drunmer and on the sides. I was also aware that The Foo Fighter were going on stage on the main stage shortly. I did shoot them in Japan a few weeks ago, but really wanted more shots today. So, back the babyshambles gig, things were hotting up. I must say,
I really really do like their music. I dont care what anyone says, they are very very talented and I cant wait for the album to come out. 

Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
I think they were now playing a song called 'Patrick put the pipe down' Now I wonder what that's about? In th emiddles of this song a fan, on eof the 15000 in the audience, jumped secuirty lines and tried to get on stage to hug pete. Security pulled him back off the stage. Well that was it, Pete launchged himself of the stage ionto the back of a security guard and this was the start. After Pete had decked one or two sewcurity guards, he jumped back on stage and carried on playing. After one or two more songs a few more people tried to beat security and get up on stage.
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford

Pete was pulling them on and security were pulling them off. All rather surreal. I photographed all of this.. Pete then said over the microphone, to all 15000 peolpe, come on get up here on stage, we need yo here now.. So, off it went. The rather jittery security now had their work cut out. Fans were coming over from all angles and loads of them were getting through and up on stage. Everytime security tried to pull one off the stage Pete flew off the stage and started fighting with the security. You see, Pete really loves his fans and obviousley is very protective of them. I got some very cool shots of everyuthing going on. Pete and the band now did a Pete Townsend and The WHo. I saw the main amops getting pushed over by Pete and Drew ( bass guitarist). Then Pete launched a Fender Telecaster about 20 feet up in th eair into the crowd. I thjink it killed about 10 people. Then he started launching Adams drum kit into the audience as well.. Fans were beating security and getting on stage it was real pandamonium.

I just kept on shooting it all. After a min, Babyshamles all left the stage. I went off with them leaving the stage in complete dissaray and madness. We all ran back to the tour bus and got in and shut the doors. Security kept all else outside. I sat with Pete, Adam and Drew and took some shots. I had now complety missed TheFoo Fighter, but this was well worth it. I know where I would have rather been after witnessing this. I did finall get off the tour bus and go back overf to the Press tent. Had I stayed on the bus much longer I would have ended up in Leeds, Yorkshire. This is where they are now off to next. So another mad day in thhe like of the fast becoming legendary, Babyshambles..
Another late late night. Lots of editing and send of images.. Then a drive home and more editing and sending.. Small amount of sleep and up early for Reading..
Friday, August 26, 2005
Reading Festival Day 1
I headed off to Reading for day one of the Reading Festival. Firstly I went and met up with my old mate Scott. He lives in the Reading area and we planned to park my car at his house and then he was driving me into the site. He was working at the site, running a team of security and girls who sell Marlborough ciggarettes all around the festival. Thinking about it, this is quite a logistical nightmare. Anyway, we arrived at the site and I picked up my passes and got straigh into it. The first band I shot were called The Wedding Present. The weather was OK, but looked like we could be in for some rain sometime.. The bands were coming up on stage fast. Anyway, I just got on with it. I shot, Fightstar, Kasabian, Graham Coxon, The Killers, then Headlining were The Pixies. There were a few people backstage that I shot as well. The funny one was, comedian Mark Lamar. I did a few shots from a distance of him and then made my way over to him. I asked him I if could take a few shots. He saw my photo credentials, which showed I was shooting for the UK newspaper, The Sun, he said 'NO' you cant. Oooops what have The Sun done to him.. I certainly didnt know. This ended up a very late night as I then had to edit up all of my images as I was going and get them out ASAP. I finaly met up with Scott and his girlfiend Mandy late and we then drove slowly out of the site and back to thier house. I then sampled some of Scotts cooking and I left and drove home. When I got back sent some more images out and then finally went to be at about 4am.. Go to get sup soon and get back to Reading..
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Bloc Party again...
I am sure I shot them recently somewhere. I think it was Somerset House, London.. Anyway, tonight it was at the Carlling Academy in Islington, London N1.. This just happened to be around the corner and at the same time as my beloved team were playing at home.. As I parked my car near the Carling Academy I was listening to the game on the radio when Arsenal were awarded a penalty.. Would you bloody believe it, we missed.. Then just as I was about to get out of the car, Fulham scored.. So, as I walked towards the gig I was a little down in the mouth, so to speak.. Its only a game...
Got to the gig and got my pass and wandered up into the venue. I went into the pit and got all of my gear ready.. It wasn't too long before Bloc Party were on stage. I actually like them.. I don't know the names of their songs, but they are growing on me.. Quite good.. As we were leaving I had a nice chat with another photographer called Dave Etheridge- Barnes. He lives near Brighton, on the south coast of England.. I love it down there. It turns out he is also an Arsenal supporter. Off I went to my car got in and blasted it off towards my home. Then on the radio they said the final score was Arsenal 4 - Fulham 1.. I was rather happier now.. You see, it's very important to me... It's not just a game you know !!!
Got to the gig and got my pass and wandered up into the venue. I went into the pit and got all of my gear ready.. It wasn't too long before Bloc Party were on stage. I actually like them.. I don't know the names of their songs, but they are growing on me.. Quite good.. As we were leaving I had a nice chat with another photographer called Dave Etheridge- Barnes. He lives near Brighton, on the south coast of England.. I love it down there. It turns out he is also an Arsenal supporter. Off I went to my car got in and blasted it off towards my home. Then on the radio they said the final score was Arsenal 4 - Fulham 1.. I was rather happier now.. You see, it's very important to me... It's not just a game you know !!!
Monday, August 22, 2005
Weezer in London
I had plenty to catch up on during the day.. As well as a bloody horrible ear ache. Anyway I later headed off to Hammersmith Apollo in London to shoot Weezer.. I must admit I dont know much about them. Shot the show and headed out of town. I edited up the photos and then carried on trying to catch up with everything else that I am behind with.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Back to London
After a few days of flying around - Ireland - Scotland and then down to Spain. Spent a couple of days with family in Spain which was nice. That was the annual holiday I suppose. All 2 days.. I flew back from Spain into London late in the afternoon. When I landed and switched on my phone I got a few text messages. Oooooh dear, football results... Chelsea v Arsenal. The final result Chelsea 1 - Arsenal 0. So, now I don't want
to talk about football.
Altea, Spain
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford

Altea, Spain
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Editing & Packing
Loads more editing and paperwork.. It's all go eh!! Trying to get photos sent out.. Its all so time consuming.. It's not a question of taking the photo and the job is done.. There is so much more to do afterwards.. Editing them down, selecting resizing for different clients etc..
Got a nice email from my mate Iron Maiden's legendary, Nicko McBrain. We will hopefully get together next week in the UK.
Need to get some currency as I am off again tomorrow morning.. This time a location shoot of sorts.. It's going to be hot there.. I am not complaining though..
Got a nice email from my mate Iron Maiden's legendary, Nicko McBrain. We will hopefully get together next week in the UK.
Need to get some currency as I am off again tomorrow morning.. This time a location shoot of sorts.. It's going to be hot there.. I am not complaining though..
Monday, August 15, 2005
A stamp for Roy Orbison
I had an email a while ago from my friend Barabara Orbison, Roy Orbison's widow.. Barabara asked me to email everyone I knew and ask them to go ionto a site and sign the petition to get a US postal stamp produced by the US government. I have emailed some of my friends and when I went onto the site in question, you can see who has signed it. It was so nice to see that so many of my frinds haver signed it.
The site is
So, anyone who is reading this diary, please go to this site and sign the petition. I am sure that Barabara and Roy Junior would be thrilled if we help to get a stamp. So, what are you waiting for... When I get a moment I will put some shots of Roy junior on my site.. He is hilarious..
The site is
So, anyone who is reading this diary, please go to this site and sign the petition. I am sure that Barabara and Roy Junior would be thrilled if we help to get a stamp. So, what are you waiting for... When I get a moment I will put some shots of Roy junior on my site.. He is hilarious..
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Photos of Pete & Kate
The Sun Newspaper in the UK, today ran a double page spread of the gig where Pete & Babayshambles were joined by Kate on stage.. Great photos... Whoever took them must have been standing very close to me... Anyway, they were very flattering photos, both Pete and Kate looked rather good..
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Pete, Kate & Babyshambles
Spoke to the lads in Babyshambles, they told me they would all be at a pub in Islington. They were planning to play there as well tonight.. I took down some photos for them to look at that I had taken of them when they were recording their new album.. I think I posted one or two of them on my diary a while ago. ANyway, I went ton to this boozer and there they all were. Pete arrived with Kate and the General. Inside we all went and what a mirky place it was too.. We all squeezed past the sweaty crowd. Almost feeling our way as they was hardly any light in there. Babyshambles did about 45 mins. Somone said that Kate actually got on stage and sung, it was so dark I didnt see that though. Pete, Kate, Adam, Drew & The General, squeezed into the dressing room. This was basically a single toilet / dressing room. It was unbelievably small. I did a couple of photos and said I am off. Just in time I suppose as Pete was getting on the sauce !!
As I squeezed through the crowd aiming for the front door, in came about 40 police in protective clothing. It was a raid.. Ummm time to leave I thought.. I got outside and all came tumbling out, Pete was now without Kate and he and I woith Ronnie, Matt and others walked down the street, whilst Pete & ALan Wass were singing and playing accoustic guitar. The police were trying to move us on and succeeded. I decided it was time to go and headed off to get my car.. Home time yeehaa!!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
The Ordinary Boys in London
After another frustrating day without much internet / email abilty. My new laptop is still not yet set up quite as it should be.. My IT genius Jon has been rather busy on some other things. But, he is a bit of a geezer, so I have enormous faith that he will soon have time to sort it. Anyway, back in the real world, I headed off to Islington to shoot the Ordinary Boys.. I am not sure, but I think they may well have been in Japan when I was there.. But who cares anyway.. I shot the show, never seen them before.. Quite good, the crowd loved them. Headed back and got on with editing up etc etc. Not a really late night. I am still a bit jet lagged, or just groggy really. Maybe should get some viatmins. Or better still join a gym. If I do join a gym, I must go to one where they dont have a resteraunt. My last venture into getting fit involved one visit to the gym in a 12 month period and that was for lunch.. What a tosser eh!
Saturday, August 06, 2005
New Laptop
I got up and went and met up with Jon.. We then got on our way to a computer shop, where I bought a new laptop. Jon advised me to get a smaller one.. Easier to carry etc etc.. But, no not me, I needed the biggest one in the store.. I was jet lagged and panicking. Kind of knee-Jerk reactions here.. Anyway, I didn't listen and got the big Sony Vaio 17" monitor ummm.. Well after an hour or so, I realised that Jon, as always was right, I should have bought the smaller screen, same power, just smaller and lighter.. What a tosser I am. Well I wont admit that I got the wrong one. Anyway, I don't think Jon reads my diary anyway. I cant stop thinking about a TV advert in the UK at the moment. A guy goes into a store to buy a light bulb, the shop assistant says, we have these standard bulbs, or you van have a long life bulb for the same money. The guy waits and thinks, then says, no, I will just have the standard one. The assistant just looks at him puzzled and lets him buy that standard one. Next scene he is at home standing in a room with no shoes on and he is opening a box of sharp tacks or drawing pins, to put on a cork board on the wall. Then he drops the lot all around his feet. Remember he has no shoes or socks on. As he looks down, the standard bulb blows and the room is in darkness.. There is a moral in there somewhere.. I should have listened to Jon.. Funny advert though !!
Friday, August 05, 2005
London Bound
I left my hotel in Tokyo at 8 am. Got to Narita Airport at 9.30 which is good timing. Had breakfast with Chris and Ruby Musto. We then boarded the ANA flight to Heathrow, London. Quite a nice flight.. About 12 hours. Just got home and need to check emails, have a shower and have an early night..
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Tokyo and the Hobgoblin
Got up at at 12 ish Chris called me and woke me up.. Anyway, needed to get on my way to to get loads of things done... Headed off to get a new hard drive as last one didnt read from anything that wasnt Japanese.. Got that, then headed over to meet up with Kazuhiro Alan Sayama who has been ubeleivably helpful. We went and bought some gifts for the guys at Time Warp who heleped me try and repair my laptop when it crashed. They were really nice people.. One of them who coulod hardly speak engrish, said to me that he really likes football, he said his team is london team, Arsenal, well I nearly kissed him.. amazing he is a gooner.. I suppose its the Arsen Wenger, Grampus 8 Connection that did it..
We left there and Alan and I met up with Nathan Shanahan and headed off to meet Sean Brophy at The Hobgoblin in Akasaka.. Sean is barking and a very nice guy, we all had a drink and a bite to eat. Then Nathan , Alan and I headed off to the office in Roppongi.. This is where I am now and we are still trying to recover my images.. A few mins ago there was a shudder and bit of a bang, Nathan came out of the other office and told me that this was an earthquake.. Nice to be 10 floors up eh..
Its 2 am and I am up at 6am as I am leaving for the airport to fly back to the UK..
We left there and Alan and I met up with Nathan Shanahan and headed off to meet Sean Brophy at The Hobgoblin in Akasaka.. Sean is barking and a very nice guy, we all had a drink and a bite to eat. Then Nathan , Alan and I headed off to the office in Roppongi.. This is where I am now and we are still trying to recover my images.. A few mins ago there was a shudder and bit of a bang, Nathan came out of the other office and told me that this was an earthquake.. Nice to be 10 floors up eh..
Its 2 am and I am up at 6am as I am leaving for the airport to fly back to the UK..
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Tokyo and more computer problems..
I got hold of Chris`s laptop and managed headed off to get some of my images of Fuji Rock out at last.. They are now being syndicated hooray.. Anyway, that took me all night and I eventually left the office at 6.30 am .. I must be mad.. I do love this really...
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
More Tokyo.....
Got up 6am got down to reception at 6.30am. I met up with The Kaiser Chiefs and we headed out to do this photo shoot.. Everyone was rather chirpy and happy, wich was nice. Did some shots in Shibuya and then continued to shoot on and around their bus. They were leaving to go to Narita Airport to catch a flight to London. When I finished I went back to my room for two hours of sleep, deep joy.. Got up and checked out of the hotel. I went back to the Prince Hotel next to the Tokyo Tower. I stayed there for the first night when I arrived in Tokyo this time. Got settled in and headed out to by a protable hard drive for my laptop. There was a chance we could get my images of my laptop and onto the portable drive. This was proving to be a task as well. However, the very very nice peolple at Time Warp did there best and managed to get them off and onto the drive.. However, I could wait as I had another gig to get to, this time it was at The Liquid Rooms in Shibuya. The Go Team were playing who were FAB, The brilliant Magic Numbers and The Futureheads, who are going to be enormous.. Shot all of the shows then jumped into the tour bus with The Magic Numbers and Futurheads and headed off to he Excel Hotel. We then went out togther to a Kareoke bar.. which was mad..
The Magic Numbers - Tokyo
I did shoot it but not sending any of those images out.. I was a great night very funny.. Got to say that The magic Numbers & The Futureheads are all very very nice people and great bands. Headed back to my hotel at about 5 am.. Another early night eh..
Monday, August 01, 2005
Back to Tokyo
I arrived at my hotel, the Excel at Shibuya at 4am. I was very glad to get there in one piece.. On the way from Naeba to Tokyo, the driver was swerviing around quite a bit.. Not particulary thrilling on dark winding mountain roads. He was obviously tired. I went down and had a loud word in his ear.. He seemed to stay awake from then on. I got up at about 10.30 and then started the task of getting my laptop repaired. This proved to be a problem and clearly it wasnt going to happen in time for me. I had a gig to shoot tonight as well. I was with the Keiser Chiefs and The Bravery. We were all staying together in the Excel. The gig was at a place called the Shibuya Axe. I shot the keiser Chiefs who were just fantastic..During set、Ricky jumped forward to get into the crowd and fell backwards onto the floor.I was right theree when he did this. It looked to me as he thumped the back of his head on the concrete floor that he knocked himself out for a second or two. His eyes just rolled around for a while. he was helped back onto the stage and he ran off the side of the stage. He came straight back on for the next song.. Great gig, great band. Next up were the Bravery. Another fantastic performance and great band.. I shot loads of backstage stuff with both bands. I was shooting The Bravery after their gig and chatting to Sam and Anthony, the drummer, they were telling me how they had lost the plot the night before at a Karoke bar. I knew about this event, but just couldnt get there as I was travelling back from Fuji Rock at the time. The Kiesers & The Bravery all went together to a Kareoke bar and got it on, so to speak. Anthoney said he got so drunk that he actually didnt remeber getting back to the hotel. He said he was in his room and got undressed and thought he was outside of his room. So, he then opened his door and wnet through. he then realised that he had in fact lefyt his room just with his underpants on. He layed down and fell asleep in the corridor. He was woken by the police who managed to throw him back into his room. Anyway after hearing all of this I headed off to continue my attempt to get images off my defunkt laptop and get then in turn get them sent out. mmmmm.. no joy really. Anyway got some great shots earlier. I headed back to my hotel and met up with the bands.
Shibuya, Tokyo
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford

We hung out taking photos until I went to bed at about 3.30 am.. Which was fun, because I am getting up at 6.30am for a shoot with The Keiser Chiefs in with a nice typical Tokyo background.