Reading Festival Day 2
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
Got up and rushed back down to Reading. If I do this next year, I think I will stay in a hotel nearby. It's not the travelling, just that I would save a couple of hours a day and could get more shots edited and out.
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford

So, I arrived at the site and again, got straight into it. Today was going to interesting as my mates Babyshambles were playing here today. This should get things going down here at Reading. I hope they are all ready for Pete Doherty & Co !!
I did a shoot with The Suffrajets and Razorlight. Then made my way over to the NME stage to shoot someone else whenI got a call telling me that Pete was in the Carling VIP lounge.. I made my way through the crowd and got ith there. I saw Pete sitting on the couch in the corner. He stood up and came over to me and gave me a hug. No sooner had we sat down together and started talking when a fan came over and asked for his autograph.
Pete obliged and then said he wanted to swap shirts with him. Which they did and it was very funny. I then went with Pete back to the other end of the site and went and sta in the Babyshambles Tour Bus. They were using their dressing room whcih was provided by the organizers. We took loads of photos and just hung out for a while. From then on I seemed to be spending most of my time with Pete & the lads..
I decided to shoot the Babyshamble show from onstage. Standing inthe photo pit was not a good option for me. The security at this event were rather jumpy and seemd to be over reating at any given chance. So, when the band were ready, just before they went on, we did a band shoot.
Then on towards the stage. I was shooting all I could from everywhere I could get to, behind Adam the drunmer and on the sides. I was also aware that The Foo Fighter were going on stage on the main stage shortly. I did shoot them in Japan a few weeks ago, but really wanted more shots today. So, back the babyshambles gig, things were hotting up. I must say,
I really really do like their music. I dont care what anyone says, they are very very talented and I cant wait for the album to come out. 

Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
I think they were now playing a song called 'Patrick put the pipe down' Now I wonder what that's about? In th emiddles of this song a fan, on eof the 15000 in the audience, jumped secuirty lines and tried to get on stage to hug pete. Security pulled him back off the stage. Well that was it, Pete launchged himself of the stage ionto the back of a security guard and this was the start. After Pete had decked one or two sewcurity guards, he jumped back on stage and carried on playing. After one or two more songs a few more people tried to beat security and get up on stage.
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford

Pete was pulling them on and security were pulling them off. All rather surreal. I photographed all of this.. Pete then said over the microphone, to all 15000 peolpe, come on get up here on stage, we need yo here now.. So, off it went. The rather jittery security now had their work cut out. Fans were coming over from all angles and loads of them were getting through and up on stage. Everytime security tried to pull one off the stage Pete flew off the stage and started fighting with the security. You see, Pete really loves his fans and obviousley is very protective of them. I got some very cool shots of everyuthing going on. Pete and the band now did a Pete Townsend and The WHo. I saw the main amops getting pushed over by Pete and Drew ( bass guitarist). Then Pete launched a Fender Telecaster about 20 feet up in th eair into the crowd. I thjink it killed about 10 people. Then he started launching Adams drum kit into the audience as well.. Fans were beating security and getting on stage it was real pandamonium.

I just kept on shooting it all. After a min, Babyshamles all left the stage. I went off with them leaving the stage in complete dissaray and madness. We all ran back to the tour bus and got in and shut the doors. Security kept all else outside. I sat with Pete, Adam and Drew and took some shots. I had now complety missed TheFoo Fighter, but this was well worth it. I know where I would have rather been after witnessing this. I did finall get off the tour bus and go back overf to the Press tent. Had I stayed on the bus much longer I would have ended up in Leeds, Yorkshire. This is where they are now off to next. So another mad day in thhe like of the fast becoming legendary, Babyshambles..
Another late late night. Lots of editing and send of images.. Then a drive home and more editing and sending.. Small amount of sleep and up early for Reading..
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