Reading Festival Day 3

I saw Bruce Dickinson backstage and had a nice chat about flying.. It was also great to see, Gaddsy and Peter Lokranz. It seemed that the whole Iron Maiden crew were here and on great form. I saw the ever happy Ross Halfin and we said hello to each other. I told Ross I had heard he is going digital. He said NO I AM NOT, IT'S RUBBISH. Well he would know.. It was so nice to see him!
I shot Marilyn Manson and then I made aerrangements to go up the lighting tower wehich is halfway back into the crowd.. I wanted to shoot the back of the crowd from up there. So, through the crowd we were escorted, me James Sharrock and David Atlas (two other photographers). Then up the bloody tower, with all cameras etc... Ummmm now I was there I thought should I be doing this all in the name of photography. So, up the ladder I went to the first level... Then up and up again.. Small narrow metal ladders against the wall.. Rather interesteing.. Once I got up there I got some great shots, then thought, ummm... now I have to get down. It would have been easier to jump.. But it was bloody high and I would have surely killed about 100 people.. So, I opted for the old fashioned slowly down the ladder routine. Well after a few ladders and levels I arrived back safley on Terra Firma.. Phewww..

Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
I headed off to the Press tent to get ready for Iron Maiden.. Nicko phoned me and asked me where I was.. I told him and he sent Dave (he who climbs Mount Killimangiro) Pattenden out to find me.. I was then escorted to the stage where I shot the whole Maiden show.. Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
Security were being a bit heavy handed with the crowd, but in any event it was a fantastic gig.
After the gig I went out and met up with Phil Hilborne. I hadnt seen Phil since our little footballing bet (which I wont do again)
I paid him in full.. Phil also told me that he is getting married this coming Sunday, but had forgotten to mention it to me and loads of other people as well. Suddenly Nicko, who was in his dressing room, was on the phone asking us where we are.. We then headed backstage to the dressing rooms. There was Nicko, with a chest infection and very very large glass of expensive red wine.. It was so nice to see him, he is a proper geezer. We sat and chatted and then Bruce came in and then Adrian Smith and Dave Murray. Adrian and Ohil Hiborne were talking guitars, mostly chatting about the 'nice note that he gets from his Gibson SG' It was nice to see Steve Harris. Steve and I had a cghat about our cameras, Steve uses a Fuji S3 and is a keen photographer in his spare time. He also said he get all of the photo magazines and the Fuji advert featuring me was on th back cover of every one he saw. He said it was very funny seeing it all the time.. Angie Jenkison was there as well and then there was the call from my friend Nathalie Smith to do a shot or two, So, we did a group shot and started to make a move out of the site..
The end of another tireing and very eventfull day... Back home, more editing and eventually, as the sun came up, off to bed..

Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
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