O2 Wireless Music Festival Day 4
Today was the last day of the O2 Wireless festival. Hyde Park in Central London is going to make way for the biggest show on earth, LIVE8..
Today was a little bit drizzly, rain wise.. It doesn't make it much fun when its raining and you are standing outside with lots of very expensive equipment, that breaks when it becomes wet... I shot the Others first today.. Then shot outside to meet up with Ronnie & Alan Wass. They are part of the Pete Doherty camp, really nice blokes.. I rushed back inside Hyde Park and photographed Kasabian ata press call.. I must admit, I don't like press calls.. To me its not challenging photography, almost just point and shoot stuff, quite boring I think..

I then met up backstage with Pete (Doherty) and Kate Moss. Then in no time at all Babayshamble were called up and on stage.. Pete was wearing a rather neat looking hat.. I got some great live shots of him wearing this.. Pete and Babyshambles are idolised by millions now. In my opinion, he is just moving up the ladder big time now. Very shortly to be an all time Legend.
Pete Doherty
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford

I rushed back to the press room and then very swiftly, Kasabian were up on stage.. So, off I ran, back out into the rain and shot Kasabian, who are bloody fantastic... Whilst I was shooting them, I got a phone call from Ronnie who was backstage with Pete. They wanted me to come back to the dressing room.. So, I finished shooting Kasabian, then legged it backstage to see them again.. I met The General, who was on stage with Babyshambles.. Nice chap, from Jamaica.. He was telling me that I should get out there and do some photo shoots.. May be I will then... Kate Moss was on top form.. We had a laugh, as each time we meet she looks at me and gets scared that I would start shooting her. Which, I wouldn't with out being asked.. Pete told me that they are now off to support Oasis.. I must get along and shoot some of the shows..