The day started with me aiming at Soho in London and getting very stuck in traffic.. Very frustrating.. I eventually arrived in Greek Street and met up with Angie Jenkison and the Hungover Stuntmen. Also with is was Simon Donald. Simon is from Viz Magazine and a really nice bloke. So, I met the band for the first time and immediately we got on with the photos.
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford

They were great fun to work with and vbery nice fellows. From what I have heard they are going to be a band to watch. I have heard the demo that Angie had sent me, but haven't had enough time to listen to it again properly. But must say what I have heard was bloody great.. So, another exciting band on the way up. Paul Weller recenly had them support him at his gig in Newcastle, he loves them too.. That is pretty cool in itself. We finished the shoot as quickly as we could as Angie, Simon Donald and the boys were rushing over to have lunch in Chelsea with Andy Taylor of Duran Duran. I headed off to Oxford Street to download the images and meet up with my little girl for lunch. After our Japanese lunch which was great we headed back to her office. I checked my emails etc and then ran her out of town. I was going to have a late night tonight. I was meeting up with Pete Doherty and Babyshambles. They were playing a gig at the Rhythm Factory in East London, which is nice, but they were going on stage at about 2am.. Oh how nice is that.. So, we got to the Rhythm Factory at about 11pm and watched the Paddingtons perform. They are another great band. We did a quick shoot backstage, they are proper blokes.
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
Pete was on form as well. There was no Patrick Waldren tonight, so, tonight, like Ibiza, Babyshambles will be a 3 piece band. Pete and I did a quick shoot then we got all three together for more photos.
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
Then after this at about 2:30 they went on stage.. It was very exciting. They really are an amazing band.. I really love there songs.
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
I thoroughly recommend that you go out and buy their new CD. Also, if you get the chance to see them live, you have to go..
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
Be prepared for madness, but go...
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
I ended up at home at about 6am and got to be at about 7:30 am.. Boy was I exhausted.. I woke up 4 hours later and couldn't get back to sleep. Just my luck..