Saturday, February 25, 2006
Off to Leeds to meet up with the wonderful Babyshambles. I drove up with Tahirah from AllSaints Clothing Stores. We go to Leeds late afternoon and headed straight to the Radisson Hotel in Leeds city centre. We checked in and then, drove round to the University to find the tour bus with the band on board. So, obvioulsy we went to the wrong part of the university first. There was a band doing a sound check and a big old tour bus outside. Funnily enough, I didnt recognise the tour bus. Anyway Tahirah and I went inside, only to find that this wasn't the Babyshambles gig. They were playing at another part of the University. So, off we went. We soon stumbled upon the venue and tourbus. Luckily we found this part of the University easily as Tahirah had once gone to Leeds University. When we went inside and met up with Adam Ficek. He was setting up his own drums. I still find this kind of od. He should really have a road crew member doing this. After he was sorted we had a chat and he told me that Peter was having a sleep on the tour bus. I asked him if he wanted to wake him up and then we could head over to the AllSaints Clothing store in Leeds City Centre. A min later Johnny Headlock, as he is affectionatly known, came over to me and said Peter is now awake and wants to come with us to the store. So, I pulled my car up to the side of the tourbus and out came Peter, Adam and Johnny. They jumped in to the back and off we all sped.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All rights reserved
We headed straight round to the store, where the staff had been briefed and were waiting after hours to keep the store open for us. So, we arrived and in we went. Peter immediatly started trying on clothes and I started to photograph the whole event.
It was quite funny watching Peter and Adam trying on clothes in the middle of the store. Suddenly Peter dropped his trousers and found a new pair to put on. I photographed all of this.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All rights reserved
Anyway, after quite a session, Tahirah and staff sorted out all of the clothes that they wanted and checked them out. Somewhere in the middle of this Peter managed to borrow £5 from me. He said he needed to go and buy some pipe cleaner. That's funny, I didnt know he smoked a pipe. How unobservant of me. We left the store and headed back to the tour bus. On the way back to the bus, Peter was fidling around with some silver foil in the back of my car. Dnt know what he was up to, but it smelt like he was burning pastic as well. I couldnt see what he was doing ads I was driving. I dont think it was anything sinister !! So, we got out of the car and headed into the venue and up into the dressing room. There were loads of hangers on as usual. The dressing room had no band members in it though. Evenetually, the band came in, one by one. Then stage time and off they went. I started to shoot the show from the photo pit. This is always a slightly risky thing as there is usually a load of drinks and people thrown into the photo pit duringa Babyshambles gig. As usual, it was a great gig. Yes, I got soaked as well... We headed back up to the dressing room. There were so many people in there. The whole band were there as well. Mind you, Patrick who has recently rejoined the band left very quickly and headed back into the tour bus. One of the people in the dressing room was Pete Doherty, in fact there were two. One of them was a fan. After a load of nonsense, we left and Tahirah, Adam and his brother Darren & I headed back to the Radisson hotel. We ended up meeting loads of others from the Babyshambles team in the bar. They heard that Tahirah and I were staying there and that seemed like a better bet than the tour bus. So, we sat in the bar until dawn and then I headed off to get some sleep.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Kelly Clarkson
Kelly Clarkson
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
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Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
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I did photograph Kelly Clarkson at the BRIT Awards last week. But that was part of a multi artist event. This was her own show. So, I had hoped for better, closer access than the BRITS, which I got. It was really good, great lighting.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All rights reserved
Allthough, I only shot the first two songs. But, it was great anyway.
There were only about 8 photographers there so it was quite nice and easy. I left the venue and headed back to my car and off home to nurse my 'Bird Fu'
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Elbow at the Astoria
Off to The Astoria tonight to photograph Elbow. This was arranged by my agent, Emma Boden-Lee. The lighting was something to be desired, but like usual, we have to just get on with it. I got some rather arty shots of them. I must say they were sounding great. I wouldlike to have speant more time shooting the show. But, that is the way it is. I wouldnt mind catching up with the band sometime in the near future, maybe on their patch in Manchester and doing some nice shots.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Babyshambles Shepherds Bush London
Will they turn up? I arrived there at about 8pm. the band were already there. So, it all looked like it was going to happen. I went inside and met up with Adam. he was feeling bad. I think he had the beginings of Bird Flu as well. I had some pain killers on me, so, gave him two. Then I saw Nardia, Partick Walden's girlfriend. That obviously meant that Partick was there and I assumed going to play. So, Babyshambles could be back together for this gig. There were a few support bands, one of then called the View, from Scotland were great. One to watch. They really are great. So, on came Babyshambles. I love this band.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
All rights reserved
They are bloody mad, but whatever. The music is fantastic. Go and get the album, Down in Albion. Afterwards I went into the dressing room to say hello and take some photos.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
All right reserved
Peter wasnt feeling too great. Another contender for flu. I didnt offer Peter any of my pain killers as he had his own medicine on the go. Anyway, we did some photos and then we waited for the tour bus to arrive which was just after midnight. We then headed out to the bus and I swerved it and headed for my car and off home.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006
The Streets at The Astoria
This is another of NME Shockwave concerts.. It's the Streets turn to play at the Astoria in London. I arrived early only to find that there was no pass in my name. I made a few calls and waited for what seemed ages to see if anyone was going to let me in. All of this time I was feeling awful. I am now convinced that I am the first casualty of 'Bird Flu'. I feel that bad.. One of the people who tried to sort things out was Martin Klip who came out to see me in reception. Anyway, the band were just about to go on and I was about to leave and head home, when the lady behind the desk put down the phone and said I have been todl to give you this pass. So, I belted into the venue and got into the pit as Mike Skinner arrived on stage.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All rights reserved
I got my cameras out and got on with it. As usual, th elighting was horrible.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
All rights reserved
I did the best I could and left the venue feeling rather ill. I walked the mile, which seemed like 10 miles, because I felt so bloody ill. Then headed home..
Friday, February 17, 2006
The Strokes Again !!
I am sure I have photographed the strokes in the past few weeks. Anyway, here we go again. This time it's at the old Hammersmith Odeon. Now named the Carling Apollo. I do have some happy memories of this place. Back in the day we used to sneak in with our cameras. Sometimes with the help of the legendary Hammersmith Odeon Manager, Phil Leavers. Who remembers him eh!! Where is he now? So. when I arrived at Hammersmith (still feeling bloody awful) I checked in at the press window to get my pass. I was informed that there were 19 photographers for this show. That is mad, 19 !! I must say that there were only about 5 or 6 real photograhers amongst us. There were a lot of people with tiny little pocket digital cameras and they shouldnt have been there. But they were, so, on we go eh! I got some interesting shots consodering that the light was as it always seems to be with The Strokes, awful. I said goodbye to all and buggered off home.. Then edited them all up.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
BRIT Awards 2006
I feel bloody awful. Last November I had a flu jab, but feels to me like that it didnt work. I ache all over my throat feels like it's full of brioken glass and I cant think straight... Other than that I feel fine. So, big day today, I am off to Earls Court to shoot the BRIT Awards. I headed off there late afternoon, parked up and got inside at about 5:30pm. I had so much gear with me as I didnt quite know how far away from the stage I was going to be. When i arrived I checked in and headed up to the press room. I got my gear ready and headed out into the arena with the other 9 or so photographers who were shooting the show. We werent to far away from the stage. All was looking quite good until they used the lights. It was very very dark. The lighting was set for TV and that needs less light than us photographers need. Anyway, I was feeing bloody awful and just got on with it as best I could. So, many artists performimg and presenting and just being there as guests. It was busy. After the show, I struggled back up to the press room and saw my Technician who had been working very hard at getting my imgages out during the show. Once I was back up stairs I packed up my gear and said goodbye to everyone. I then struggled off to my car. I felt so ill that it was afull even walking to my car... I had to go to Oxford Street to collect something then headed off home. I felt awful. I think I have now made the point eh!! What a whimp I am.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Lee Ryan Shepherds Bush
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
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Down to Shepherds Bush Empire to shoot Lee Ryan.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All rights reserved
I was supposed to be doing a shoot with Lee and his girlfriend before the show. His management want to let the world know that he has a girlfiend and hopefully that would stop all of the various reprts of him being seen with this or that different girl around town. Anyway, his girlfriend, a Russian model called Marsha couldnt be found before the gig. So, I shot the show and then met up with them all after the gig and we did the shot up in the VIP bar. Lee is a very nice chap. Alsways very friendly and polite. Each time I have met him he seems to be very normal and un affected by his celebrity. After I got the shot of him and Marsha, I said hellow to a few people that I knew in the VIP bar and then made the exit and headed off out. I must say I didnt feel well. Feel like I am coming down with something.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Simple Minds
Simple Minds are back in business. The last time I photographed them was aound 1978 or 1979 at the Music Machine in Camden Town, London. That place is now called KOKO. Anway, so here I was tonight at the Astoria in Charring Cross Road, London. It was kind of odd seeing them after all these years.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All rights reserved

I have to say, they have still got it. Mr Kerr dances in the same way and they did sound great.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All rights reserved

I have to say, they have still got it. Mr Kerr dances in the same way and they did sound great.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Goldfrapp - Brixton London
Off to Brixton, my favourite part of London (not). Goldfrapp are playing at the Academy. Apparently there are no photographers on this tour. So when I got to the gig the pit was pretty much empty. Just me and one other photographer, Brian Rasic. Whilst I was waitng in the photo pit, I saw Mike Crawford on stage. He and I were out in Istanbul a year oor so ago with Glen Matlock and the Philistines. We did have a laugh out there. Mike is quite a knowledgable chap and taught me quite a lot about the history of Istanbul when wewere there. So, it was nice to have a very brief chat with him here at the Goldfrapp gig.
Alison Goldfrapp
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
All rights Reserved.
It made a pleasant change to have pit to ourselves. I got some great shots as, the lighting was quite nice.
Alison Goldfrapp
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
All rights Reserved.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
All rights Reserved.
From what I saw of the show I was very impressed. Alison Goldfrapp, the band and the girls dressed as wolves were brilliant. What a show!!! Would really like to shoot this agin, but next time the whole show.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Arctic Monkey's Birmingham UK
We left San Francisco on time and headed off to London. Had a good flight. I do think I actually slept a bit on the fight, but not sure.. Sounds odd, but true.. I supose I must have done a bit. At least Tony didnt manage to spill any of his champagne this time. Actually, before we had taken off, I was drinking an orange juice and Tony said something funny to me that just made me choke on it. I had orange juice coming out of my nose & mouth. I then proceeded to choke in hysterics. The lady sitting across the aisle, must have wish she had been sitting somewhere else. I think she braced herself for an eventful flight with noisy idiots next to her. But other than that incident, it was nice and quite. I did take some photos as we took off and during the flight also when crossed London. BT Tower in Central London below.
Copyright 2006. Danny Clifford.
Below is an early morniing shot of the River Thames prior to landing at Heathrow.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
We arrived at Heathrow and said goodbye and we headed off in seperate directions. I got back and checked my emails etc. This shoot for Rolling Stone was on. It was the Arctic Monkeys in Birmingham.
Copyright 2006. Danny Clifford. All rights reserved
I was also thrilled to see that Pete Doherty had been given comunity service. I had fearded that he would have been sentenced to a short time in prison. This was quite a relief to all of us who care about him and Babyshambles. So, after a quick shower and 2 hours sleep, I drove up to Birmingham.
I shot the show and swiftly headed back to London.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Santa Barbara to London
Got up bloody early today. Dont like mornings much.... Anyway, my little brother, Simon picked Tony and I up and ran us up to Santa Barbara. We had breakfast on the beach at the East Beach Grill. Took a shot of my brother Simon and Tony having breakfast on the beach.. Breakfast in America (for Supertramp fans).
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
My brother likes this because of the sports activities on the beach volly ball courts there.. He loves the view! We were joined by my bothers business partners Nick & Jim, who are the nicest guys you would ever meet in the world. After breakfast, we shot round to Calumet in Santa Barbara. I needed a new filter as i smashed one to peices a few days ago. We then shot straight over to the airport. Santa Barbara airport is so small it's brilliant. In fact it's so small you would only expect to see crop spraying planes take off from there. Anyway, we jumped on our tiny little doodlebug and headed up to San Francisco. Once on the ground, we headed off to Tony's fav place, the Gold Card members lounge. I got a phone call from Rolling Stone Magazine in NYC. They want me to shoot something for them tomorrow night in the UK. So, I will get off the plane, get home and have a shower and head up to the north of England to shoot something. Well it's not definate yet, so I will find out around lunch time in the UK when I get back.. I am sitting with Tony in the first class lounge and waitimng to board our lihght to London. We will be sitting on the upper deck on this flight which will be nice..
Monday, February 06, 2006
Sam Moore in LA
I went down to beverly Hill s and met up with my dear friends Sam & Joyce Moore..
Me with Sam Moore
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.

They were off to a pre Grammy party and they asked me to shoot them before they went. Sam was all dressed up and looking cool. So, we did a very quick shoot at the hotel and I then said goodbye and headed off back out to Thousand Oaks to meet up with Tony and myt parents who were having dinner out there somewhere. I joined them for dinner then we headed back home and packed for out travel out tomorrow.
Me with Sam Moore
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.

They were off to a pre Grammy party and they asked me to shoot them before they went. Sam was all dressed up and looking cool. So, we did a very quick shoot at the hotel and I then said goodbye and headed off back out to Thousand Oaks to meet up with Tony and myt parents who were having dinner out there somewhere. I joined them for dinner then we headed back home and packed for out travel out tomorrow.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Nice Sunny Day in LA
My day started off with a meeting over at my brothers house. Various issues and things to discuss. Tony went off to meet up with Eric Clapton's close friend of 30 years and US representative. So after my meeting in the morning I went out for lunch with my brother Simon. After lunch, I went home and Tony met me there with Nigel Carroll. They came in for tea and cookies. We had a nice chat about various things and then we went outside and I photographed Nigel Carroll and the customised EC Ford 150 van - the only one of its kind, with the EC logo embossed in the headrests! It was one hell of a vehicle.
Nigel Carroll
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All rights reserved
All rights reserved
Friday, February 03, 2006
Warners Burbank & Santa Monica
Got up and headed off for a few meetings. I dropped Tony at Warner Brothers in Burbank. He had a meeting regarding Eric Clapton. I then headed off for a meeting. When I finished my first meeting I headed off to Santa Monica, right near where I used to live many years ago. I met up with Jeff Kravitz and Dora at FilmMagic. What a nice bunch they are. Tony was delivered to me in Santa Monica. We then went out for a bite in Santa Monica. Now if anyone knows the area, there are some nice restaurants there. There are also some bad one’s. Well we got one of the bad one’s. It was a Greek restaurant and it’s opposite one of my favourite stores Old Navy. It was bloody horrible, so don’t go there!!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
KT Tunstall at the Troubadour
Before I talk about KT Tunstall in LA, I thought I would mention the fun and games we had in San Francisco at the airport. When we arrive, we checked in and headed for the diamond encrusted card holders lounge, of which Tony is a member. We had our complimentary coffee and apple. We then after a while decided to head to the gate as time was fast approaching our time to leave. When we got to the gate we found that our flight had been cancelled. We asked when the next flight was and why that had been cancelled and they said next flight was now also full and our flight had been cancelled due to bad weather. It was bloody horrible weather outside. Anyway, after quite a few discussions with various supervisors and staff we managed to get ourselves onto a flight to Burbank in LA, not Santa Barbara. So today we are going to shoot KT Tunstall. She is playing at the Troubadour on Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood. Firstly, we wnt for swift bite ti eat. We went to the famouse Mel's Diner on Sunset.. Then Tony and I headed over to Santa Monica Blvd just in time to see the support act, Willy Mason. He was very good and rather entertaining. Then KT came on and she is bloody fantastic. Many people will have already discovered her, but for those who haven’t, check her out.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All rights reserved
She is becoming very big news and so she should, she is great. Great voice, great songs. Tony and I met a few people after the show. I had a brief chat with KT and then we headed off back out to the house. One thing I didn’t like about the show was that there was more lights in the street than there were on the stage. It made it very very difficult for me to shoot.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Alcatraz - Then to Santa Barbara
I woke up at about 5am.. Tony wanted to take aboat ride out to Alcatraz island thhis morning.. I will wait for him to come knocking on my door at about 8:30 then no doubt we will go an be tourists.. I haventg been o ut to Alcatraz for about 20 years.. Cant say I have missed it.. Anyway, you only live once. What is the worst thing that could happen as we cross that freezing cold shark infested bay to Alcatraz!! Later we are heading over to the ariport to fly down to Santa Barbara. Hoepfully my little brother Simon will be there to pick us up and run me home.. Then tomorrow its back to work properly.. So I look out the hotel window and what do I see. Well, its raining, but colourful.
San Francisco
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
Off we go to Alcatraz... It's foggy, cold and raining. So, we get on the ferry and head accross the bay.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
Get off at the famous Alcatraz.
Alcatraz. Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
Take the long walk up and around the grounds.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
We get up into the cell blocks and see Al ' Scarface' Capone's cell.
Tony Edser
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
All rights reserved
I managed to get Tony Edser to shut up for a minute and sit in one of the cells for a photo.. I then locked the door and ran away... (only joking). There were some high profile prisoners here at one time. The cells are all still as they were back in the day. All very interesting.
San Francisco
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford

We did the rounds pretty quick and head back down to get the next available boat back to Fishermans Wharf. Tony then wants to get on a cable car. So, we walk in the rain up Powell Street and eventually jump on a cable car. Got off at China Town where we had a quick lunch.. Chinese, funnily enough!! Then after getting absolutly soaked founds a taxi to get us back to ur hotel at Fishermans Wharf. Next we get packed uyp sorted and off to San Francisco Int Airpirt to catch our tiny little elastic band driven plane to Santa Barbara.. Should be fun