Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Santa Barbara to London

Got up bloody early today. Dont like mornings much.... Anyway, my little brother, Simon picked Tony and I up and ran us up to Santa Barbara. We had breakfast on the beach at the East Beach Grill. Took a shot of my brother Simon and Tony having breakfast on the beach.. Breakfast in America (for Supertramp fans).
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
My brother likes this because of the sports activities on the beach volly ball courts there.. He loves the view! We were joined by my bothers business partners Nick & Jim, who are the nicest guys you would ever meet in the world. After breakfast, we shot round to Calumet in Santa Barbara. I needed a new filter as i smashed one to peices a few days ago. We then shot straight over to the airport. Santa Barbara airport is so small it's brilliant. In fact it's so small you would only expect to see crop spraying planes take off from there. Anyway, we jumped on our tiny little doodlebug and headed up to San Francisco. Once on the ground, we headed off to Tony's fav place, the Gold Card members lounge. I got a phone call from Rolling Stone Magazine in NYC. They want me to shoot something for them tomorrow night in the UK. So, I will get off the plane, get home and have a shower and head up to the north of England to shoot something. Well it's not definate yet, so I will find out around lunch time in the UK when I get back.. I am sitting with Tony in the first class lounge and waitimng to board our lihght to London. We will be sitting on the upper deck on this flight which will be nice..