Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Met up with my mate Editor in Chief of Eric Clapton's Where's Eric Magazine, Tony Edser at London Heathrow. Off we went together to San Fransico. Boarded the flight and after about 10 mins Tony had some champagne in his hand.. Then 3o seconds later, he had poured it on his seat and wityhout knowing this, sat in the seat. He then wonderd why he was soaking wet... Umm, nice one Tony.. It was a very pleasant flight..for a British Airways flight that is!! We were met by a couple of friends of ours Bobby and Calla Fay. They gave us a spin round the city on the way to our hotel. This is Tony's first time in San Francisco.. We passed Candelstick Park on the way into the city. That is where the Beatles played there last live gig (I think). Anyway, it is such a great city it all looked rather nice as we headed down to Fishermans Wharf where we are staying.. After checkinmg in we were joined by other friends, Robert Richards and Dan..
Band on The Run
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All Rights Reserved
Then all headed round to the Wharf for dinner. Whilst having dinner we found ourselves dining next to New Yorks own, Steve Adelson. He is the master of the Chapman Stick (musical Instrument).
Steve Adelson & Robert Richards
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
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He gave me his CD which I havent yet had a chance to hear, but I am looking forward to hearing it. Really nice evening.. Headed back to the hotel and crashed at about 11pm. Great evening with really nice people....
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Che Guevara? No Shane Guevara !!
This is odd, but true. I was chatting to Shane MacGowan a few moths ago about various things. It was about 3am in the Boogaloo in Highgate, London. Anyway, Shane was telling me that his family name on his Mothers side was Lynch. He then told me that on that side of his family, as distant cousin (or relative) of his was Che Guevara. Guecara's family were of Irish decent and their family name was also, Lynch... This is a very strange and interesting story. So, whilst I was driving back to London from the north of England I thought I must get a shot of Shane dressed as best as I could, to look like Che. Today I met up with Shane and gave him the hat and bullets etc and we did a quick shoot. We did it upstairs at the Boogaloo. He was on good form. However, when we started the shoot, I noticed him in a bit of pain and looking swollen around his face. I asked him what was wrong and it appeared that he has some kind of Absyss.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
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So, we did the shoot and then I ran him up to the local hospital in Hampstead. They looked at it for him. He is a really nice bloke and seemed a bit vulnerable. We did get some funny shots of him as Shane Guevara.
Friday, January 27, 2006
What a Shambles eh!!
Well, Peter was detained and from what we all understand, he will be stying inside until 8th of Feb. I will try and go and see him if I can. I do have to go to LA in a couple of days, so not sure if I can get a visit arranged before then. I hope he is okay in there. Peter is a very intelligent and sensitive person. I just hope he is able to gather his thoughts whilst in there and perhaps take stock and what would be really really nice is if he would make some positive moves towards cleaning up his act for him, family, friends and the fans.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Babyshambles Newcastle....?????
Well, it just wasnt to be.. Peter was arrested in th early hours of the morning in East London.. Aparently with more gear on him.. He was then released at lunchtime and re- arrested. Seems to be targeted by the police. He must be an easy target as he was again caught with more drugs on him again for the second time in a day.. This time we fear that he may not be released. The promotor in Newcastle has now got a plane on standby to get him to Newcastle should he be released. This is the latest thing now! Get a private jet for Peter to get him to a gig. We started this when we were in Austria. I arranged a Jet then. But like Austria, Newcastle dint happen because he was held in by the Police..
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Babyshambles Leeds
I was going to go to Leeds for the Babyshambles gig. But after speaking to Adam early evening, it sounded like it may not happen.. Guess what? It didnt.. I am rather pleased I didnt drive from London to Leeds. Mind you, I do like it up there.. Peter didnt make it to Leeds....
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
The Strokes
The Strokes are in London. So, down to Shepherds Bush Empire for this one. It is very cold hear in London. All photographers have to wait at the Stage Door tonight. Normally we get our passes in the foyer. Well as it's minus 300 at the moment, someone is having a laugh and making us wait out in the elements.. I didnt even have a proper coat on. What a tosser, me that is.. A freezing one at that. When we had all finally frozen were were let inside. In we went and got into the photo pit. A few mins later on came the strokes. Well I thought it was the Strokes. It sounded like them. The only problem was that the lights were so non existent that I couldnt see them. Needless to say, the photos were pretty damn awful. I would have in fact saked the lighhting man, but I dont think there was one..
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
All rights Reserved
No need as there were no bloody lights.. What is it with the management of bands like this. If there are no lights there will be NO good photos of there bands and therefore a missed oppertunity for magazine articles, press etc.. Well maybe they know something that I dont.. Anyway, on we go to shoot other bands with some light around them.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Babyshambles Cambridge - Well Then There Was Four Again
Up to Cambridge to photograph the one and only Babyshambles. I arrived with assistant Jonathan. We met up with Drew and Adam in the dressing room. It was about 9pm. They were due to go on at 9:30pm. Peter was on his way and wouldnt be long. Then a few mins later, we soon realised that Peter was in fact going to be an hour. So, should be arriving at 10:30pm. The whole gig was scheduled to be over at 11pm. So, this was going to be fun!! Anyway, at 10:45 Peter arrived with Purple, Patrick Walden and James Mullord (ex manager). They all rushed into the dressing room and had a discussion. Then out they came and got straight on stage. It was an amazing gig. Nice to see Patrick back.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
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I have no idea if this is a permanent situation or a one off. But anyway, he was there and it all sounded fantastic. After the band came off we went into the dressing room and I did some photos of Peter with his new Hofner guitar which I got for him from Hofner.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
All rights reserved
He was very excited about this guitar. He and Mick the guitar tech were really impressed with it. I then did a band shot in a shower cubical and also did some shots of Peter on his own with the guitar.
Then one quick shot of Peter with my wonderful assistant Jonathan.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
All rights Reserved
Thursday, January 19, 2006
The Rhythm Factory again
I arrived at the Rhythm Factory and Pete and Adam were already there. About 15 mins later Drew arrived. The atmosphere seemed a little different in the dressing room. There were about 40 people at least milling about. Anyway, Wolfman was there and we had a little chat about various things. He was going on stage soon. I went out and got myself on the side of the stage opposite where I was the other night. Wolfman came on and started palying. There were a couple of people in the crowd who were not really into Woilfman. They were shouting at him and calling for Peter. Wolfman started to shout back and it all sounded quite nasty and aggresive.. Oh well!! After a while, Babyshamble started to get together to come on stage. I moved to the other side of the stage. Pete seemed a little pre occupied to say the least. I didnt like the mood overall. I must say, I have been around the camp before when it was like this and must say, I didnt like the atmosphere. So, I left the stage area, I told Peter I was off, said goodbye to Adam and Drew and just as the band went on stage I left the building. I did hear a little later that there was a couple of incidents. Peter was fighting with some fans and threw a mic stand into the crowd at one indiviual. There was also fighting between the band and security. Well, I did feel that it was a bit lively in there, so to speak and I am glad I left when I did..
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Babyshambles - Then There Was Three Again
Back in London now and the Babyshambles show rolls on, Now that Peter has been released from Stoke Newington Police station yesterday, its all sytems go.. So, off we go to the Rhythm Factory in East London. I arrived and Peter was already there. I met Adam on the way in. I arrived with the one and only Gerry O'Boyle. We travelled down with my mate Big Scotty, who drove. It wasnt long before Peter, Drew and Adam were on stage and at it. They are bloody amazing. However, I am still finding it somewhat interesting watching all of the people who all think they are involved in some way with the band. The Backstage area seems to be crawling with characters who all think they are Peters best friend and also think they are very very important. Anyway, that's life!! The music is fantstic and everytime I see them perform I feel like I am witnessing an important bit of history. I do feel rather fortunate having spent the amount of time I have spent with them over the past year. So, after the gig we get back into the backsgtage area and do a few shots of the 3 of them together.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All rights reserved
Peter and I then go outside for a private chat. When we were outside, lots of the hangers on follow as well. Peter and I jumped into one of his beloved Jaguars. We locked the doors so we could speak privatley. Then suddenly Peter said to me, come on lets go for a drive. I thought here we go, more trouble on the way. He has been stopped I think 4 times this month whilst driving and also allegedly, was in possession of drugs. So, as Peter got into the driving seat of one of his cars, I got him out and took the keys and I drove. We had Johnny Rhythm (Owner) open the gatres for us and we sped off on were followed by Paparazzi and fans. I lost them very quickly and we then headed straight to Peters home. I stayed there for about an hour then as others all started arriving I decided to go home. Otherwise, it would have been a very late night.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Austria and back to London. Oh yes, Then There Was One
Drew had to be up at 8 as he was flying off to Milan. Adam and I met up later in the morning for breakfast. Ellie was there to meet us. The poor girl had been up since about 7am. She had picked up Drew and run him to the airport earlier.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
All rights reserved

So, after breakfast Adam and I went up onto the roof of the hotel and did a quick photo shoot.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
All Rights Reserved

Then headed downstairs and off to the airport to catch our flight back to London. Well Stanstead, which really is not London.. Adam and I headed off togther and The General drove one of Peter's cars back to London. All in all a very odd two days..
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
All rights reserved

So, after breakfast Adam and I went up onto the roof of the hotel and did a quick photo shoot.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
All Rights Reserved

Then headed downstairs and off to the airport to catch our flight back to London. Well Stanstead, which really is not London.. Adam and I headed off togther and The General drove one of Peter's cars back to London. All in all a very odd two days..
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Austria with Babyshambles Oh!! Then There Was Two
So there I was driving up the M11 approaching Stanstead airport, when my mobile phone rang. It was about 9:30 am. I was reliably informed that the one and only Peter Doherty had been arrested a few hours ago in London. Aparently, yet again driving under the influence and possession of some form of drugs.. The rest of the band were also on their way to the airport.. Anyway, I was the first one to arrive. Drew & Adam & The General arrived together about 20 mins after me. They only just made it with about 2 mins to spare to the check in desk. They were just about to shut that flight.. We then legged it through security and headed off to the departure gate. We were all making loads of phone calls trying to find out the latest with Pete. Obviously there was no way he was going to make that flight. We immediatley started to try and make arrangemnts to get him and Mick (guitar tech) on another flight out to Graz in Austria. The only other flights were from Heathrow to Vienna. We then made the decision to go out on our flight. We had in fact discussed actually not boarding this one, but, we did. So after the 1:50 flight, we arrived in Graz.. As we got off the plane and got onto the tarmac, I saw a row of photographers and TV crews.. Oooops we thought, they were there for Pete (The Scarlet Pimpernel).. They all surrounded Drew. Adam and I swerved them and belted into the terminal.. Not that they wanted me.. But they did want Adam. So, through Passport control and into the bagagge hall. We grabbed the guitars and bags then headed straight out where we were met by the promotors. We jumped into two cars and off we went to the hotel. Everyone was frantically trying to find out from the lawyer who was now in attendance with Peter what was happeneing. But, no news other than he was still in custody. It was now afternoon and time was moving on. We slung our gear into our rooms and headed off to the venue to meet up with the main promoters. It was all a bit awkward as everyone was asking where Pete was and we still didnt know if he had been released. So with time moving on and no good news from London.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
All rights reserved
Adam and Drew decided after lots of soul searching to do two songs. We all discussed the situation with the radio station and all greed the best thing Adam & Drew could do is go up and do a couple of songs..
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
All rights reserved
Deep down I dont really think they wanted to do this without Peter, but they thought that this may be appreciated by the fans. The fans were the reason that they did this. They then went on and got into the songs.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All rights reserved
The General then suddenly walked up onto the stage and joined in. As soon as the two songs were over, the General started to sing Pentonville Rough. Adam and Drew joined in and once that was finished Adam and Drew walked off stage. One of the listed support bands then got on stage and started their set. We then left the venue and headed back to the hotel. The one really helpful person from the promotors was a young lady called Ellie. She was really professional and so helpful. She was driving us around and acting as translator. We knew at this time that even if Pete was now released from the police station, he was never going to catch the last flight out of Heathrow. So, I made a few calls and started to make arrangments to hire an aircraft to bring him out. The promotor agreed to pay the fee. So, I had a Jet and crew waiting for me to give them the go ahead to fly Peter and Mick down to Austria.. All we needed was the news from the lawyer to say that he had been released.. But he hadnt.. In fact he was there all night. So, no chance of getting him to Graz.. Adam, Drew Ellie and I then sat in one of the rooms and just talked until about 3-4am. Ellie went home and we all went off to bed.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Bournemouth Airport Hanger Again
Down to Bournemouth for the day.. Real film this time.. Anyway, long exhausting day.. Specially as I drove home very late last night from Stoke. I finally got back from Bournemouth at about 11:30 pm. I was shattered. I still had loads of work to do.. So, as usual had a very late night..
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Babyshambles in Stoke
I didnt get to court with Pete this morning. I did see that he did get there. From the photos in the news I could see that he had James Mullord with him !! Umm interesting. I headed to the gym and this time got really busy there.. Rowing and all sorts. I got sorted and got home spoke to Adam to see if all was okay for Stoke on Trent tonight. He said it was all okay. So, off I went and headed off to Stoke on Trent. When I arrived at the Underground in Stoke, Adam was there and looking rather pensive.
Copyright 2006. Danny Clifford.
All rights Reserved
He was trying to track down Peter, who hadnt arrived yet.. and then I remebered, he had been at court and with James Mullord. I then wondered if he would in fact make it to Stoke. Well we waited and there were loads of Police milling about outside.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All right reserved
Police vans with cameras in as well. They were threatning to pull the plug on the show if he didnt show soon. Pete kept calling and saying he was on his way and wouldnt be long. After a while the police had enough and pulled the plug. It was a real shame for all of the fans there as well as Matt Bates and all at The Underground club itself. I did a quick shoot with Adam in the dressing room and then we headed back down to London. Oh what fun eh!!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Babyshambles in Sheffield
After a late night last night at KOKO in Camden, London. I managed to gather myself and get a bit of admin work done. Mind you I was so bloody tired. I then had to get to the gym for a work out. I was due to be meeting one of the guys in the gym who was going to get me off and running with a routine. Well, just for a change I was running late, well, actually, not running, but just late.. Anyway, got to the gym, I did bugger all and left. Got back picked up my cameras etc and filled the car with fuel and headed up the M1 to Sheffield, South Yorkshire.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All rights reserved.
Babyshambles were due to be playing at The Plug. When I arrived there was no pass or anything for me. So, after a few phone calls I was given the correct pass. When I got inside, photographer, Joe Kerr was up there as well. He is a great bloke, one of the really nice people in the biz. He was there shooting one of the support acts. Anyway, after a while Peter, Drew and Adam of Babyshambles arrived. They had a chap with them who now seems to sing a bit of backing vocals with them. His name is Purple. I doubt that it says that on his passport..Mind you what do I know! We did some photos in the dressing room and within a short while, the band got up and got onto the stage for the gig.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All rights reserved.
Well, they were again bloody great. A few false starts, but it would be the same without them. Amongst there own songs, they did break into The Oasis song 'Dont Look Back in Anger'. Pete was also mimicking the way that Liam stands on stage. Anyway, the gog was bloody great.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All rights reserved.
They even had a guest on stage on one of the songs come up and play violin.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All right reserved
Well, with Babyshambles, you never know what is going to happen next.. With most bands you can see the whole set performed exactly the same every night.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford.
All rights reserved.
But, with Babyshambles, not a chance.. When the gig was over I headed back to the dressing room. After a short while I said my good byes and headed back down the M1 to London.. I got back at about 2:30 am I then edited up my images. Pete is due to be in court in the morning. I may well go down there for a bit of moral support..If I can get up that is.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Then There Was Three
It's kind of odd seeing Babyshambles as a 3 piece. I now understand that it is common knowledge that Patrick Waldren has left the band. So, good luck Pat wherever you are and whatever you are doing. He is a really nice guy and great guitarist. So here we are at Koko in Camden Town, London. This was great.. In places a little bit loose, but typically Shambolic.. Babyshambles are still as exciting to watch as ever.
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
There is nothing quite like it, honest guv... The place was jam packed..
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
It was a mad show and it was over in no time at all. Time flies when you having fun eh!!
Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford
After the gig, Pete drifted off out with the General. I went out of a side door where all of the Papparazzi were waiting.. I was kind of relieved as I though Pete and the band had escaped through another exit.. Well how silly I was eh! There I was standing in a flimsy light weight summer shirt on a freezing cold windy January night. When a Jaguar pulled up right next to the Paparazzi's or PappaNazi's as the band refer to them. Gues who popped his head up through the sunroof and started signing autographs? The Pope? Elvis Presley? No, it was our Pete.. I just stood there as about 25 Papparazis jumped all over the car and were snapping away merrily for what seemed to be ages. There was a police car right behind them and their siren started to go on in an attempt to move the car on and get everyone to get off the car.. I could see The General sitting in the driving seat. Then the car started up and off they went.. I later found out that Pete & The General got pulled up round the corner and searched etc. I headed off home and edited up the photos, by then it was about 4am. Maybe soon I should start to shoot sunrise photos in different places. That might be interesting, as I always seem to be up for it..
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Mad Day
Today was one of those days. I have so much to do and tried so hard to get loads done, but seemed to fail. However, I did get some of it done. All in all quite frustrating. Although, one nice thing, I did manage to meet up briefly with my mate Neil for a brief spot of lunch, which was nice. I did also find an old self portrait that was taken when I was 15.
Copyright Danny Clifford. All Rights Reserved

I must say my hairstyle is mad. Kind of embarrasing now when I look back. I am sure it was trendy then!! Well, maybe not. I think I was just bloody odd.
Copyright Danny Clifford. All Rights Reserved

I must say my hairstyle is mad. Kind of embarrasing now when I look back. I am sure it was trendy then!! Well, maybe not. I think I was just bloody odd.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Big Linda at Death Disco Notting Hill Arts Centre
The amazing Big Linda performed at Death Disco at the Notting Hill Arts Club in Notting Hill, London. They just are quite an amazing band. The place was well packed. The following for The Lindas is building and building. They are a must if you want to see them before they become enormous. I don't think they have a website yet, but if you can keep and eye out and see them if turn up anywhere near you. I didn't shoot the show. The lighting there was really bad. So, I didn't fancy it. I preferred to watch them this time.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Ice Skating on New Years Day
Onother day another year.. Amazing how time flies. I remember being a little kid and wondering what the world would be like in the year 2000. I used to imagine that by then we would all have either hovercrafts or helicopters to take us to the local supermarket. Now it's 2006 and still no sign of them yet. Maybe soon eh.. I hope that when they do arrive they wont be gas powered. I see to day in the news that Russia has today cut off the supply of gas to Ukraine. This is all rather political and all about who sides with Russia and who sides with the West, and money of course. So, Happy New Year to the Ukrainians. Bet they are bkloody cold there. So, that is the state of the world today(in Eastern Europe that is). On another note, I went to Capitolist Kensington in London and went ice skating at the Natural History Museum. It was all very civilised. Last year I went Ice skating to Hampton Court Palace. For those of you that don't know, that was King Henry VIII's Palace in surrey, England. Funily enough, I photographed a few shows there this year. Van Morrison and then Brian Wilson (Beach Boys). Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, Kensington as I said all very nice and well organised. I must say, better organinsed than Hampton Court last year. I am now back at in the warm and continuing to scan old photos and get up and out for syndication. I have just found some Johnny Cash shots fro 1979 or 1980.
Johnny Cash
Copyright 1979 Danny Clifford
All Rights Reserved
Hope you all have a great year.. Danny