Got up and made my way to Luton Airport. I am off to shoot George Michael who is doing his forst real concert in about 15 or 16 years.. This is the start of his new tour.. The opening night.. So, there I was at Luton and was told to check in my 400mm 2.8 Nikon lens. This I realy didnt want to do as there is a good chance it will get damaged or worse, stolen. Anyway, I had no choice and checked it in. Those of you in the photographic industry wil know how damn expensive these lenses are and I am sure will sympathise with me. So, made it to Barcelona, my lens was there as well. I jumped in one of those mad taxis.. My taxi today was in such a bloody hurry, he was driving like a reall idiot. I actually told him to slow down. he as a bit of a maniac.If he hadn, I tink I would have just stopped him and got out on the side of the road.. But he did slow and got me safley to my hotel. I am leaviong my hotel to head over to photograph George at 8pm, so, used the hour or so before I go to update my diary.
So, I got a taxi to the venue. Whe I got there I realised that this could be a problem getting a taxi after the gig. It is pretty much in the middle of knowhere. Anyway, got into the venue and got my cameras ready. about hafl an hour later we were taken through to the photo pit.
George MichaelCopyright 2006 Danny Clifford
There were quite a few photographers there, mostly Spanish. Anyway, we were all hearded into a small area on the right of the stage. Anyway, on came George and on with the shots and the show..
George MichaelCopyright 2006 Danny Clifford
After I had done my bit, only one song I hasten to ad, I left the building. WhenI got outside it must have been 10:45 pm and it was absolutly pissing down.. I was only wearing a T shirt, no jacket.. What an idiot.. Well it is Barcelona, Spain.. But anyway, it was horrible. I started walking down the road looking for civilization.. But couldnt see any signs of it.. I just kept walking. After about 10 mins I was soaked right through and starting to think about stealing a parked car (only joking). As luck would have it, one of the Spanish photographers who was also shoting the show pulled up and told me, in spanish, to get in.. I explained, in my best (non existent ) spanish, that I needed a taxi. He was a really nice chap and he drove me to the centre of Barcelona and dropped me right near a hotel where taxi's pull up most of the time. I then found a taxi and headed back to my hotel. When I arrived, I edited up my photos and got them sent out to all. I finally went to be at about 4am or just after. I booked an alarm call for 8am and a taxi for 8:30..