Tonight was a busy one. I went to the Proud Gallery in Camden to shoot a big night for the Charity Trekstock. I was shooting the arrivals outside and all inside exclusive stuff. Mark Ronson was DJing there.
Mark Ronson
Copyright 2009 Danny Clifford.
All Rights Reserved
Other guests included, Beth Ditto, Will Young, Henry Holland, DJ Yoda, James Walsh, Mathew Horne, Holly Vallance & brilliant up and coming actor, Gregg Sulkin. He has been romantically linked with Miley Cyrus recently. According to almost every paper in the UK and in fact hundreds of the round the world, Miley wants to dump her current boyfriend for the young British actor after getting close with him at a Disney Party. Gregg is being referred to as 'The British Zac Efron'. It was interesting watching the other Celebs there. Lots of them wanted to chat to him. He is a really down to earth lovely boy. He will no doubt go far. He is one to watch.
Will Young & Gregg Sulkin
Copyright 2009 Danny Clifford
All Rights Reserved
Whilst this event was moving on, my mate Jon Gardner was shooting a job at Madam Jo Jo's. After he finished there, he jumped in a taxi and came up to meet us. Jon seems to be addicted to Taxi's. He must spend a fortune on them. Jon was a great help, as he shot some of the arriving guests outside for me whilst I was inside shooting, The Cuban Brothers, who were absolutely fantastic. They must be seen if they are performing anywhere near you. Truly fantastic!
I had a really nice chat with Will Young about his brother who has set up a charity. I saw him on TV recently and his charity, Mood Foundation, is a brilliant idea. It is there to help people beat depression etc. So, well done to Rupert for starting that charity. I really hope it goes well for him as it is a
fantastic thing to have done.
Mark Ronson was great on the decks, he knows exactly what to play and how to mix it about. I must say, in my humble opinion, he is a genius. I love everything he has done. His musical taste is fantastic and I love his production. Daniel Merryweather was there as well, another very talented chap. He is playing at the Bloomsbury Ballroom in June and he invited me down. So, I hope I am free that night as I would love to go down there.
Beth Ditto & Mathew Horne
Copyright 2009 Danny Clifford
All Rights Reserved
Beth Ditto is lovely, she was chatting to Gregg Sulkin and Sam, my son. She was educating them on the ways of Country music. She was telling them about Johnny Cash and Dolly Parton. I mentioned that I worked with Johnny Cash and she was really knocked out. So much so, that she said I want a photo with you. Me that is! So, Sam took my camera and Beth and I posed for him. I think we were trying to see who had the biggest muscles. I must Say, Beth looks positively skinny next to me. Anyway, what a lovely girl she is.
Danny Clifford & Beth Ditto
Copyright 2009
All rights reserved
The place started to thin out so we started to leave. Beth Ditto was leaving at the same time and despite covering her head with a coat, the paps who were waiting did seem to get shots of her. Al in all a very eventful night and for Trekstock a very successful one. I got home at about 2AM and then edited the shots until about 5:30 am. It was light and the birds were singing when I went to bed. I wont be a sleep for long as I will be up just after 9am.. That is horrible as I really need 8 hours a night to operate kind of normally. Sad, but true.