I headed into London's Soho at bout 9:30. Managed to get parked up and walked through the old familiar ally ways to
Street. As I approached the old Marquee club I saw a row of Mods Scooters. They were very impressive. I suppose The Who and Keith meant a lot to Mods.

I walked up to 90
Wardour Street and stood there as the security put a barrier out to contain the press, which included me. It was kind of strange that I should be on that side of the barrier as I Keith was a friend of mine and we amongst other places, used to frequent the Marquee club. I actually had an office about 100 yards (metres) away from the club. My office was inside The Who's management company, next door to The Ship pub. I had thought that Pete
Townshend would make it, but I was soon told by one of the organisers that he wasn't coming. However, Roger
Daltrey was. Keith Moon's mum, Kit, was there along with Keith sisters and families. It was lovely to see them.
Kit Moon, Keith's MotherCopyright 2009 Danny Clifford
PJ Proby was amongst the guests. He was great in his day. As he walked past, I wanted to attract his attention and get him over to me for a photo. So I told him that he was better than Elvis. He laughed and said in his
southern Texas drawl, "Say that louder Son". I asked him to come
over and he did and I got a shot of him. I seem to
remember that he ripped his trousers on stage back in the day. I was about 5 at the time, but still remember it.
PJ Proby
Copyright 2009 Danny Clifford
So, as the barrier was in place, and us, the press were in position. The Mayor, Louise
Hyams made a quick speech which was funny. She said how nice it was to see so many motor bikes here in
Wardour Street. She was
immediately heckled and the Mods on their Scooters were not happy. Roger was standing right behind her and he put his fingers up to her head behind her and pretended to shoot her. She
didn't see any of this. She carried on and made her speech
oblivious to the faces Roger was pulling behind her as he
disagreed with most of what she was saying. That was very
amusing. Keith's mum and Roger
Daltrey and the Mayor of Westminster, Louise
Hyams pulled the cord and the cover released from the front of the plaque. The only problem was, that so many fucking idiots came and stood in front of all of the press pen and blocked our view. I really like the Heritage Foundation Charity that organise these events, but they always seem to get that vital part very wrong.
Copyright 2009 Danny Clifford
We should have had a clear view of the event so we could shoot it. But, instead of that we photographed the backs of heads of invited people who chose to stand right in front of us. Despite our protests they moved about an inch at a time and we missed that moment.. What idiots. I did manage to get Roger to move the crowd out of the way for a shot of him, Kit Moon and
PJ Proby.
PJ Proby, Kit Moon, Roger Daltrey
Copyright 2009 Danny Clifford
As I was leaving saw a few old faces. I saw Paddy The Plank, whose real name is Paddy Callaghan
. He was part of The Who's security back in the day. His brother Jim Callaghan actually toured with me when I was on tour with Bob Dylan in 1978. Ross
Halfin was there and he introduced me to his "Man Friday" nice chap.
I got back to my car to find that I had got a bloody parking ticket. I couldn't believe it as I thought I had parked in a parking spot. But the very friendly traffic warden assured me I hadn't. The signs were very unclear.. I then got in my car only to find that I had lost my earpiece for my cell phone. That mus have dropped when there was a bit of a rush at the plaque unveiling. Then on my way back out of London through a horrible storm, a stone hit my windscreen and put a great big bullet hole in the screen. It sounded so loud I thought it was going to shatter the whole screen when it hit.. So, what ever will happen next.....