I went and met Klara. She is a catwalk model that I am doing a shoot with soon. We had to look at some other shots that she has recently had done. Then we can plan what to do next..
After that I headed over to Battersea, West London to Sphere Recording studios to meet up with Arc Angels. That is the new name of Nicko McBrain, Narada Michael Walden, Phil Hilbourne and Jazz Lochrie's new project. they are recoding I think 8 tracks over the next few days.
Narada Michael Walden
Copyright 2004 Danny Clifford

I got to the studio and they had only been in for a few hours, but things seem to be taking shape. Narada was in control and the speed that they were getting things done was quite amazing. I got a call from BBC News. They wanted me to come in and be interviewed on the News in a couple of hours. This was due to the fact that our wonderful Prince Harry had clocked a photographer in the mouth last night whilst coming out of a night club. Anyway, the BBC sent a car to Sphere picked me up and off to BBC HQ at Wood Lane. I arrived and was taken through to the Green Room. In there was Simon Smith, a lawyer who represented Naomi Campbell on her privacy case against The Mirror and won (I think). He was to be my sparring partner during the live TV interview. In we went to the studio and on we went. Only a short interview, about 4 mins, which was plenty long enough for me! The news interviewer tried to get me to side with the Paparazzi photographers. Well, I couldn't really take sides as I didn't know exactly what went on with Prince Harry, but what I did say is, that if you go to those clubs, you must expect photographers to be waiting outside. It shouldn't be a surprise! If you don't want to be photographed, don't go.
I had a nice chat with my sparring partner Simon Smith, who is a really nice guy and obviously a bloody good privacy lawyer. We left the studio and were escorted down to the main exit area where a BBC car was waiting for me and they drove me back over to Sphere in Battersea. Once I was back there I took some nice candid shots of the boys in their respective places in the studio. It was a late night and got home about 3am. Unwind and sleep by about 4:30 Am