I went back down to Sphere studios in Battersea tro meet up with Nicko and the chaps..
Nicko McBrain
Copyright 2004 Danny Clifford

They seem to have been getting through it all really well. I am not sure exactly how many tracks they have down now, but I think its about 6 ish. Quite amazing the speed they are working.

We were planning to do a group shot today. So, I got ready at about 4pm to do it. They were so busy in the studio that I had to wait. Eventually at about 6pm We all agreed that we should do the shot. The chaps all came out of the studio and met Hiedi who had kindly with about 20 mins warning, got a load of clothes together and brought them for the chaps to use. Anyway as they were all trying them on, Jazz Lochrie said that he really had to leave as he had to play bass at the London Musical 'Mama Mia'. He was helping them out and nobody else could cover for him. So, up he got and off he went. No photo then! I was told that he should be back at about 11:30 
When Jazz got back he had to get straight into the studio. We eventually did the shot at about 2AM. Funnily enough, I dont really like the shot.. We didnt have any real options there. The chaps wanted somig 70's ish and Sphere is brand new. Got home at about 3:45 am.
Nicko McBrain
Copyright 2004 Danny Clifford

They seem to have been getting through it all really well. I am not sure exactly how many tracks they have down now, but I think its about 6 ish. Quite amazing the speed they are working.
Copyright 2004 Danny Clifford

I heard a few of the tracks that they have put down. It all sounds great.. Narada is doing the vocals and he has a fantastic voice. Well, sounds like Arc Angels are taking shape..

I heard a few of the tracks that they have put down. It all sounds great.. Narada is doing the vocals and he has a fantastic voice. Well, sounds like Arc Angels are taking shape..
Nicko & Narada
Copyright 2004 Danny Clifford

We were planning to do a group shot today. So, I got ready at about 4pm to do it. They were so busy in the studio that I had to wait. Eventually at about 6pm We all agreed that we should do the shot. The chaps all came out of the studio and met Hiedi who had kindly with about 20 mins warning, got a load of clothes together and brought them for the chaps to use. Anyway as they were all trying them on, Jazz Lochrie said that he really had to leave as he had to play bass at the London Musical 'Mama Mia'. He was helping them out and nobody else could cover for him. So, up he got and off he went. No photo then! I was told that he should be back at about 11:30
PM. So, Heidi and I just hung out until then.
Narada Michael Walden
Copyright 2004 Danny Clifford

When Jazz got back he had to get straight into the studio. We eventually did the shot at about 2AM. Funnily enough, I dont really like the shot.. We didnt have any real options there. The chaps wanted somig 70's ish and Sphere is brand new. Got home at about 3:45 am.
Copyright 2004 DannyClifford
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