More Glastonbury but this time Leonard Cohen
Today was the 3rd and last day here at Worthy Farm, Pilton.. Looks like rain clouds are up there, but plenty of sunshine and blue clouds in between. The crowd were all in good spirit. Lots of fancy dress as usual. So here are some fans in fancy dress making the Glastonbury Atmosphere pretty colourful.

Copyright 2008 Danny Clifford
Today we have The Verve headlining, you know Richard Ashcroft and his gang. But before that, we have two legends, Neil Diamond and Leonard Cohen, who doesn't get out much any more.. Well, Neil was fantastic and very professional. When you think about the amazing songs that he has written, including big hits for The Monkeys back in the 60's or whenever that was. So, there I was shooting Neil from the pit and he is looking straight at me. I dont suppose that he has seen that I split my shorts earlier whilst climbing into a Land Rover when Wayne Star and I hitched Hicked and grabbed a lift accross to another stage. There I was fulled loaded with camera gear, laptop etc and as I climbled up into the vehicle in a bit of a rush, RIP went my shorts. Right at the front.. So, for the rest of the trip I had proper air conditioning around my crumple zone. So, had Neil spotted it.. I dont think so.

Copyright 2008 Danny Clifford
Now, Leonard Cohen was sensational. By far the best performer at Glastonbury. Not that I saw them all. Anyway, he was brilliant. I only shot the first song, which was called "Dance me to the end of Love".

Copyright 2008 Danny Clifford
The Verve closed the show. Richard Ashcroft seemed pretty confident when he wandered onto the the stage.. The band were tight and sounded pretty good. The crowd went wild and I shot the first three songs and legged it back to the press room.
Copyright 2008 Danny Clifford

Copyright 2008 Danny Clifford
Today we have The Verve headlining, you know Richard Ashcroft and his gang. But before that, we have two legends, Neil Diamond and Leonard Cohen, who doesn't get out much any more.. Well, Neil was fantastic and very professional. When you think about the amazing songs that he has written, including big hits for The Monkeys back in the 60's or whenever that was. So, there I was shooting Neil from the pit and he is looking straight at me. I dont suppose that he has seen that I split my shorts earlier whilst climbing into a Land Rover when Wayne Star and I hitched Hicked and grabbed a lift accross to another stage. There I was fulled loaded with camera gear, laptop etc and as I climbled up into the vehicle in a bit of a rush, RIP went my shorts. Right at the front.. So, for the rest of the trip I had proper air conditioning around my crumple zone. So, had Neil spotted it.. I dont think so.

Copyright 2008 Danny Clifford
Now, Leonard Cohen was sensational. By far the best performer at Glastonbury. Not that I saw them all. Anyway, he was brilliant. I only shot the first song, which was called "Dance me to the end of Love".

Copyright 2008 Danny Clifford
It was amazing. If anyone wants to hear that song, check out You Tube and search for him there and that song will come up. Well worth it...
Copyright 2008 Danny Clifford
The Verve closed the show. Richard Ashcroft seemed pretty confident when he wandered onto the the stage.. The band were tight and sounded pretty good. The crowd went wild and I shot the first three songs and legged it back to the press room.
Copyright 2008 Danny Clifford