My day started at 7am. I don't know precisely why but it did. Anyway, after an eye test locally, I drove down to deepest darkest surrey for a meeting with the main man behind one the worlds true living legends, Eric Clapton. Whilst I was on my way there I got a call from a friend of mine asking me if I could come and shoot a secret gig that Razorlight were doing later, in fact early evening. I agreed to do it. So after my meeting in Surrey, I went back around the M25 and headed into London, Camden Town to be precise. I was heading for Amy Winehouse's favourite pub, The Hawley Arms.

This is where
Razorlight were going to perform a 20
minute secret show, on the roof. I arrived in Camden parked up and walked the 100 yards to pay for my parking at the meter, when I saw a bloody traffic warden trying to give me a ticket.. I got the ticket and ran back to stop the
tosspot. He actually started to argue with me. I asked him how it normally works then? One parks their car, the one goes and get the payment ticket from machine, then goes back to car and places it in the bloody window, RIGHT? He then started to agree with me, slowly though.. What an idiot... Anyway, I then walked round to the
Hawley Arms. When I got there and go inside, there were about 10 Police
officers all having tea and coffee. No doubt supplied by the pub. They were going to be dealing with the crowd outside, which had not yet arrived. So, once i was inside I just waited and the pub started to fill up only with people on the guest list. After a few
mins I saw David
Mepham, he used to be one of the
paparazzi crew out there. he is now only shooting video for a US TV Station. He seemed pretty happy with the way his life has changed. Whilst I was speaking to him, Andy
Wilshire came in. Andy shoots for
NME. It is always a pleasure to see him, he is a very nice chap. We chatted until about 7pm then we wandered out to take our
positions outside. There was no chance of getting shots up on the roof from inside as I looked at it when I arrived and there was no room at all. Just barely enough for the band and a video man.
Johnny Borrell of Razorlight
Copyright 2008 Danny Clifford
So, I went out over the road and shot it from there. At one point during the 20 min set, Johnny
Borrell climbed over the small railing on the roof and stood on a very narrow shelf up there.. he must be a bit
mental. One slip and he was dead, simple as that. He was even leaning out over the street and hanging on with the fingers of his left hand, again, one slip and goodbye Johnny!! I was watching this all through the lens of course, because if he did make that stupid
last mistake, I would have got it.
Johnny Borrell of Razorlight
Copyright 2008 Danny Clifford
Anyway, I am glad he
didn't fall, even though he supports Chelsea and takes the piss out of me because I support Arsenal, he
isn't a bad chap at all. The set was great, they played quite a few hits. the crowd was by now quite big and loving every second of it.
The Hawley Arms Copyright 2008 Danny Clifford
After the set, I headed back over the street to the pub and headed inside. On my way in I bumped into Jill
Fermanovsky who is also very very nice. We had a
brief chat in the quietest part of the pub, which was downstairs, outside the
men's toilets, nice!! After that the plan was for me to go up and take a shot of the whole band. But seeing that it was so crowded up there, I actually decided not to go up and I
disappeared into the night, via a well known
Chinese in Swiss Cottage..
Ahh!! that was nice.