Hed Kandi & Monarch Airlies Launch Ibiza Flights

Lunch time I headed up to London Luton Airport. I had to meet the PR for Monarch Airlines at the Harrods Aviation Private Lounge. The plan was to shoot a new aircraft now painted up with the new logos etc. Hed Kandi have joined forces with Monarch Airlines to launch flights from 5 UK airports to Ibiza in the Meditaranean Sea.

I did some shots of the aircraft on the tarmac and then did some shots of the girls "The Kandi Girls" in front of the plane. Eventually, Tim Jeans, the Managing Director of Monarch Airlines and Dan Baxter, General Manager of Hed Kandi arrived together. So, we did some shots of them also in front of the aircraft. Then, we boarded the plane and I then realised that there was a plan to go flying somewhere.

So it was seat belts on and up up and away. We took off and headed out over the Isle of Wight on the south coast of England. The flight was only an hour long and we headed back and landed at Luton Airport. I shot the Tim Jeans and Dan Baxter in the cockpit. Then got a couple of the Hed Kandi girls in there as well. Then we all disembarked and headed back into the Harrods Aviation Private Lounge where we had all started. I had my laptop with me, so, sat down and sent the images straight out from there. I finally left Luton Airport and headed off south back to the Hottwire offices.