Squeeze in Foggy Nottingham
As with all of my photos on my website and diary, they are Copyright protected. So steal at your own peril. I will prosecute any illegal use of my images.
Copyright 2010 Danny Clifford. All Rights Reserved.

Jon and I set off to Nottingham at about 1pm. Our aim was to get there at about 4pm. This was a Friday though and the roads were foggy! So, we took a slow careful drive and arrived about 4
pm. We made our way backstage and said hi to the band and crew.
Then we made our way out to get some lunch, dinner of whatever. After this we headed back and arranged to shoot Glenn and Chris with some rather nice Fender guitars that have been designed by artist Damien Hirst. Chris and Glenn were in fine spirits.
We then did a very quick shoot with the talented keyboard Steve Nieve. Steve started off with Elvis Costello and The Attractions and has played with many others. I believe he has been a friend in around the Squeeze camp since the early days. he is a very nice chap.

After this photo shoot I decided to leave the chaps backstage and head down to have a look at the auditorium . I wanted to find out how I could get from the front of house back to the stage during the gig. I wanted to shoot from the front of house then get some shots from 0n the stage etc.

This was proving to be a challenge as there were bloody loads of ways of getting from here to there etc. But all of the doors seemed to lock once you have gone through them. Kind of usual scenario at venues. I haven't been to this venue for about 7 years and I couldn't remember the routes through at all.

Anyway, the Lightning Seeds (who are supporting Squeeze on the this tour) had now finished. This was a shame as I wanted to shoot them. They are also a great band. It was only a few mins later when I had positioned myself in the crowd, when Squeeze came on. The crowd went mad and were up on their feet. This really does confirm to me that Squeeze are back big time. They really are loved by so many fans and also being discovered for the first time by a younger generation, who were there in droves. As expected, they played hit after hit and they were truly phenomenal. I found myself a position at the front of the stage and stayed there for most of the show. That way I could catch the band with the wonderful backdrops being projected behind them through out the show.

There was one very funny art when the band just break into a brilliant and very funny dance routine. I was surprised, I knew nothing about it before. After the show, we headed up to the backstage area where the band prepared to meet local friends and some lucky fans. David Bailey had made it backstage and told me his drive from Devon to Nottingham had taken him about 6 hours, what with the fog and the fact that it was Friday. He arrived a few mins before the gig. Now, that's dedication for you!
Jon and I didn't hang around too long as we had to head back to London and it was getting more foggy by the minute. So, off we went and headed south. Another brilliant show with Squeeze..