I headed into London just after lunchtime. The shoot I was about to do was taking place on location outside with no cover. So, it was quite interesting that on my way driving into London I experienced various weather fronts. On what was to be a one hour journey, I had sunshine and blue skies, then grey gloomy skies and then nearer the photo shoot, a massive hale storm.. So, that was wonderful.

I arrived at the chosen location for our shoot. It was little mews round the back of Hyde Park corner, not far off the back of Harrods. I was the first person to arrive, next was my friend and manager Emma Boden-Lee. Then one of our props arrived a 25 year old Mercedes SL, driven and owned by Jim the architect.

Then Anoushka turned up with stylist and a friend. Emma and I had already worked out the various shots we were going to do.

So, as soon as Elika the stylist had dressed Anoushka, we got on with it. Anoushka was very natural in front of the camera and a pleasure to work with.
Whilst we were in between shoots, Jim, the owner of the Mercedes SL and I both looked up and saw a suspicious person on the roof of property which had scaffoling all over it. This dodgy person saw Jim and I and quickly hid on the roof. We called the cops and they arrived pretty quickly. The put the police helicopter up and also sent a dog patrol as well. But the slimey old villain managed to slip away over the roof tops.

We managed to get a few different looks and shots done on the day in between light showers. So, all in all quite a nice shoot with nice people.
All photographs Copyright 2008 Danny Clifford.