Friday, September 09, 2005

I am now a paparazzi eh!

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the one and only Ross Halfin has decided to mention me on his website. He is such a nice geezer…. He heard on the ‘grapevine’ (course you did Ross) that I am implying this and implying that.. Ummm great this isn’t it Ross.. Anyway, all I said was the TRUTH..We all know you only like the TRUTH.. I said that George Chin was the official photographer for the Iron Maiden gig at Hammersmith and he was. I also said that I thought that Ross would have been the one to shoot this, but he wasn’t, and as George Chin did it.. That is the TRUTH. One doesn’t need to be a scientist to figure out that they (Iron Maiden) decided for some reason to not use the wonderful Mr Halfin, but George Chin.. So, why is Ross so upset? One thing I will say is that from what I saw George’s photos were marvellous. I wonder what Ross thinks? Actually, I don’t care. Ross (the little devil) also refers to me as a paparazzi. Ooooh Ross, you little bitch. Bless him anyway, he does get rather angry.