Paperwork and catching up
Today was very nice. I spent most of the morning dealing with paperwork and generally trying to catch up with admin. I have a moutain of things to get through.. Lunch time I took a break and met up with my mate Neil. We had lunch and a chat, which was really nice. Whilst having a snack I was reminded by Ryan 'The God Like DJ' Wicks, that he is arranging a big firework display, party in the Rickmansworth area of Hertfordshire. All of the proceeds go to the Cancer Ward 10 at Mount Vernon Hospital. This is where Ryan's dad died of Cancer.. I am not sure if I will be around on the day this big event takes place as I think I may be in Portugal shooting the MTV awards. But for any of you who want to go to a fantastic event with loads of live bands and entertainment along with a massive firework display get along there and support this Charity event.

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