McFly Wembley Pavillion
This was really exciting..Not.. Screaming 12 year olds.. Actually, the mums were screaming as well.. Quite amazing.. I think the mums wanted to be there and they took their daughter along as company.. I remember the same situation when I photpgraphed Westlife. The mums were more excited to be there than their daughters.
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford

Anyway, did the first 3 songs and escaped.. The lighting was rather bland really. Lots of boring blue distant lighting, not allowing for any detail in the shots.
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford

No doubt the lighting was better after I left.. That is always the way. Anyway I got out safley my earplugs were still in place whilst I walked the mile to my car... Oh what fun !!
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford

Anyway, did the first 3 songs and escaped.. The lighting was rather bland really. Lots of boring blue distant lighting, not allowing for any detail in the shots.
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford

No doubt the lighting was better after I left.. That is always the way. Anyway I got out safley my earplugs were still in place whilst I walked the mile to my car... Oh what fun !!
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