Babyshambles in Ibiza

At about 1 am last night I decided to shoot over to Ibiza to shoot Babyshambles who are performing tonight at Ibiza Rock, down in the Mediterranean. So, I had a quick shoot in London in the morning and then headed straight out to London, Heathrow airport. I was booked on BA to Madrid, then Spanair into Ibiza. All being well should arrive at about 8pm in Ibiza. Well all was smooth until I got to Madrid. This is not one of my favourite airports, not the worst, but not that great either.. I arrived to find out that I needed to be in the other terminal. So, I catch the bus over to the next terminal. Then find the Spanair desk as I had to collect a ticket, almost had enough time to grab some food. I didn't get any meal on the BA flight as they are still having problems with their food suppliers, Gate Gourmet. I did get a coffee though !! So, back in Madrid getting some lunch, the only restaurant open is not serving hot food, only horrible old sandwiches, so, I pass on that..
I then head strait to the gate and join the line to board the flight to Ibiza. I wait with everyone else for about 20 mins.. Then I look up and I am the only onbe standing there. There was some sort of announcment in Spanish. It must have said something like, bugger off the plane is delayed..
I went to the desk and said is there a problem, the lady at the gate said, happily, yes there is.. The plane is ready, but we have no crew. They are stuck in Barcelona and wont be here for about an hour or so.. Anyway, they arrived later and we left two and a half hours late. Then off we went to Ibiza. This was only a 50 min flight, but it was through a mad storm. I was looking out of the window and couldn't believe quite how many lighting bolts I could see at any one time. It was mad.. The crew were trying to serve some refreshments and the trolly was launched.. They managed to hang onto it, but the did quickly head back to the front and strap themselves in as well. The turbulence was amazing, ad that to the lightning and it was quite an entertaining flight.
We arrived in Ibiza at 10:30. I waited for my luggage and then ran out to find a taxi. I paid him extra to 'mucho Pronto' get me where I had to go.. He did his best. Actually, he was a tosser. He could have done a lot better. Anyway, at 11:10 pm I arrived a very helpful young lady from the press office was waiting for me as I arrived. Babyshambles were already on stage.I was told they would be on stage at 11pm.. I ran in cameras out and was told that they had been on for one hour already.. I didn't understand what was going on, but jumped up on the side of the stage and started taking photos.. I then realised that Patrick (guitarist) wasn't there.. It was a great show. I am now a fan of there's. I love there music, especially Paddy put the pipe down.. There are loads of other brilliant songs. I cant wait for the debut album.. So, the show ended and we headed back up some stairs into a backstage area. We did more photos and everyone was up to the usual madness.. Then suddenly, Pete said come on lets do some more.. Off they went straight back onto the stage and off once again.. This time it was a little more mad. Lots of fans were pulled up onto the stage. Pete was becoming more and more frustrated with the guitar that the venue had supplied him with. He could seem to keep it tuned. Anyway, not long into this second set, he just started smashing the guitar (a vintage 1964 Fender Telecatser) onto the floor.. I shot all of this from the balcony. He completely wrecked it.. Ooooops.. The promoters were not too impressed. Once again we headed off backstage and it was party time again. More photos etc etc..
After a while the boys decided to make a move over to the villa where they were staying, which was about 45 mins drive from the venue.. So off we went and left the club. Pete fancied a walk first. So, he Adam & Drew went for a walk. I waited with the tour van as my gear was now in it and I waste about to leave it unattended.. So, after about and hour, the chap who was driving us came back to the van and told me that the band were now at a fair up the street. We thenb drove down there.. Pete and Drew were going up on a kind of bungee type of chair. This seemed to fling people about 300 feet into the air.. Pete wanted me to have a go with him, but geus what, it want for me funnily enough. I just photographed it all instead. That is much safer, well actually, maybe not !! We did loads of photos and then I got Pete on the Dogems next door, Drew and Adam joined him and again we did loads of photos. Eventually we all left and got into the tour bus / van. We then all headed off to a night club called Aura.. This was right out in the middle of nowhere. After a couple of hours we headed off to the villa. It was now about 5 or 6am..

We arrived at the villa, through the electric gates and the first thing I remember was Pete throwing a few full bottles into the massive swimming pool.. I hope they didn't break. Its a real paing in they did. Yo have to drain the pool if they did. So, that was that and inside we all went. It was a really nice villa, owned by the Manumission people. Music was put on rather load and no sooner had Pete found The Sex Pistols CD, 'Never Mind The Bollox' he was slinging things around the villa. Bottles smashed against the wall plates were taken off the wall above the fireplace and smashed. The TV got it as well. Maybe this was Sid Vicious reincantated for a few hours.
Mind you, big difference here, I think Pete is very talented unlike Mr Vicious, who in my opinion certainly wasn't.
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