Cornbury Music Festival - Joe Cocker
Amy Winehouse
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford

Busy day just for a change !! Seems that every day is that way. I should really try and start to relax a bit.. Always rushing with to much to do. Anyway, I eventually got on my way and traveled up the M40 out to Oxford and beyond.. I passed Blenheim Palace. I was there recently photographing Diana Ross.. Any past Blenheim and carried on to Cornbury Park.. This is yet another beautiful setting. A country park and lots of land.. I am sure I have been there before. I got to the production office and was met by the PR team. Really nice people, I think they new I was coming. Micky Mocca 'King of The Jungle' had informed them of my impending arrival. Micky was already up there as he had traveled by train from London. I did offer him a lift, but he wanted to travel by train. I was offered a lift with all my gear in a buggy down to the stage. When we got there I saw Micky Mocca. We met up and watched the last couple of songs of Bonnie Tyler.. Now, I thought she had retired.. Maybe she should call it a day now..
About an hour later, Amy Winehouse came on and got stuck into her performance. I shot that and headed back to Production to wire my images out. Then we headed back to the stage for Joe Cocker. I got some good shots, then again legged it about what seemed like twenty miles to the production office.. Those of you that know me, know that I don't travel light.. I always seem to over do it with equipment.. I try and make sure I have everything for any eventuality.. Bearing that in mind, I carried all of my ten tomns of gear back and wired out some photos of Joe Cocker..
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford

Busy day just for a change !! Seems that every day is that way. I should really try and start to relax a bit.. Always rushing with to much to do. Anyway, I eventually got on my way and traveled up the M40 out to Oxford and beyond.. I passed Blenheim Palace. I was there recently photographing Diana Ross.. Any past Blenheim and carried on to Cornbury Park.. This is yet another beautiful setting. A country park and lots of land.. I am sure I have been there before. I got to the production office and was met by the PR team. Really nice people, I think they new I was coming. Micky Mocca 'King of The Jungle' had informed them of my impending arrival. Micky was already up there as he had traveled by train from London. I did offer him a lift, but he wanted to travel by train. I was offered a lift with all my gear in a buggy down to the stage. When we got there I saw Micky Mocca. We met up and watched the last couple of songs of Bonnie Tyler.. Now, I thought she had retired.. Maybe she should call it a day now..
About an hour later, Amy Winehouse came on and got stuck into her performance. I shot that and headed back to Production to wire my images out. Then we headed back to the stage for Joe Cocker. I got some good shots, then again legged it about what seemed like twenty miles to the production office.. Those of you that know me, know that I don't travel light.. I always seem to over do it with equipment.. I try and make sure I have everything for any eventuality.. Bearing that in mind, I carried all of my ten tomns of gear back and wired out some photos of Joe Cocker..
Joe Cocker
Once I had finished , I said goodbye to Micky Mocca 'King of The Jungle' who has decided to stay up there and camp.. He is obviously mad.. I jumped in my car and got out of the park before the concert ended.. Apparently, last year, it was 2AM before all of the cars managed to get out of the park, as there is only one small exit.. I didn't fancy getting stuck in there.. So off I went and headed South back to the Metropolis. On the way back I heard on the radio that Birmingham City Centre has been evacuated due to a security alert.. Here we go again..
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