Alanis Morissette at King's College London
I photographed Alanis Morissette tonight. She was performing in a very intimate little hall. She was playing to a small audience in King’s College, The Strand in London.
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford

I arrived about 50 mins before she was due to go on stage. I had to get the elevator to the 4th floor along with everyone else of course. Then into the hall. Well, there was no photo pit and it was rammed full of people. I must say, the class of fan who goes to her concerts is a very high one and all seemed very helpful to me. So, there I was all padded out with my winter jacket and not being a small chap along with my camera bag etc squeezing through the crowd to get as far towards the stage as possible. I got as far as I could with seriously upsetting loads of very short fans who were standing about 4 rows deep from the stage. I moored up just behind them. I was surrounded by some really nice and funny people. They understood my plight and were very considerate to me.
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
Well, Alanis was due on, so I was told, at 8:45 and I think she finally come on stage at about 9:30. I shot the first 3 songs and swiftly made my way back out through the crowd. Making even more of a nuisance than when I went in. This time, I had my bulky jacket, camera bag and a couple of cameras hanging off my shoulder. They were smashing into everyone as I knocked past them. So, if anyone from that concert (which was fantastic by the way), was knocked by me on my way out, I unreservedly apologise.
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
The good news, for me that is, that a few days ago I became a member of the gym that I once before belonged to. So, maybe the bulk should reduce. If I get there that is.. So, to round this event off, Alanis was superb and very professional. It was really great to photograph her in such a small venue.
Whilst on my way out I bumped into James Quinton, he too had been shooting in there, although, I hadn’t seen him before. I headed off home as I had a bit of a night ahead of me. Lots to do as
I am off to Tokyo in the morning.
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