Nagano and drive down to Tokyo
I finished up my editing and we set off late afternoon in Sean's people carrier and headed in the general direction of Tokyo. We are quite a long way from there... It is a very interesting drive through somne great scenery. Although, it suddenly got dark and that put a stop to me and my admiration of the countryside. One very funny thing that Sean told me to look out for, was a town and I cannot remeber what it was called, but it was twinned with both Tehran (Capitol of Iran) and Las Vegas.. This I thought was quite mad. It was too dark and we were travelling to fast to photgraph the sign.. Next time I will. So, we got back to Saitama. This is a large suburb of Tokyo. In fact there is an Arena there, where loads of big bands play. Also, the John Lennon Museum. This is also the home town to the one and only Sean Brophy. So, he dropped me at the railway station and I caught a train straight into Shibuya, where I am staying. I finally arrived at my hotel at about 11:30pm. I got to my room and checked my emails and laid on the bed for a few mins.. This was great as it was a real Western Bed. I then thought, I should stay up and go to the big fish market at 5am.. So, that is what I did.
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