Copyright 2006 Danny Clifford

I did a magazine cover shoot today with New Zealand artist Bic Runga. She is a rather good singer songwriter. We all met up at The Cobden Club in west London at around 10:30. Bic was already having her hair & make up done. The clothes had arrived from Armani and all it needed was for me and Dan my assistant to get it all prepered for the shoot. The most important shot was the cover shot and then we had many other shots to do.. We had plenty of clothes and backgrounds use.
Bic RungaCopyright 2006 Danny Clifford
Bic was wonderful to work with and very helpful. We finished at around 5:30. This was quite a long day really, but we did get some great shots. I had to get a move on from there as I was going over to meet Dan at The Forum in Kentish Town, North London to shoot Franz Ferdinand. I arrived at The Forum with about 5 mins to spare.. Got into the photo pit, got my cameras out and within a min or so, on the band came.. They really are a bloody great band.. Dan was shooting from the stage so, I didnt see him at all. I just shot the first 3 songs and left. I had so much work to do after the long day of shooting. So, made the exit and headed off home, shattered, just for a change...
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