Squeeze Photo Shoot
I left home early and aimed at South East London. I was going to the meet up with the band Squeeze. One of my all time favourite bands.. Today we are doing some studio type setups and some candid shots rehearsing etc. So, I allowed myself plenty of time to get there, but, I didn't know that the Blackwall Tunnel that goes under London's River Thames was closed.. So, when we, I say we because, my oldest son, Jonathan came along to help me. So, we got to the tunnel entrance we were greeted by signs saying Tunnel closed. This caused us and about a 100,000 other people major problems. So, I finally arrived at Glen Tilbrook's recording studio about an hour and a half late. Fortunately, Chris Difford was also stuck in the traffic and he arrived about an hour after us.

Once Chris was there, we got straight on with the first shot. Then steadily worked our way through all of the different shots that we had to do. It is always a pleasure working with Squeeze. They are all such nice guys. Everyone in the Squeeze camp are lovely. They have a very nice family feel about things within the camp.
Copyright 2010 Danny Clifford. All Rights Reserved

We spent about 4 hours shooting various setups and then we did some shots in the rehearsal room. That in itself was fabulous as they were just running over some tunes, Like 'Hour Glass' & 'Is That Love' They sounded absolutely fantastic. Sitting in there with them was like having my own private Squeeze show, amazing.. Anyway, We stopped as the lunch (late lunch) arrived. So, we all stopped and sat in the nice open plan reception area. We had now also finished shooting for the day. I was aware that I wanted to get going before the local football team (soccer) finished their home game and unleashed their masses on the local roads. So, we made a swift exit and headed off into the sunset and back to the North West London. Before we left, Matt and Suzanne, the management, gave Jonathan and I a copy of the new album each, 'Spot The Difference' We listened to it on the way home. It is virtually their greatest hits and brilliant.. Go and buy it! They are fantastic..

Once Chris was there, we got straight on with the first shot. Then steadily worked our way through all of the different shots that we had to do. It is always a pleasure working with Squeeze. They are all such nice guys. Everyone in the Squeeze camp are lovely. They have a very nice family feel about things within the camp.
Copyright 2010 Danny Clifford. All Rights Reserved

We spent about 4 hours shooting various setups and then we did some shots in the rehearsal room. That in itself was fabulous as they were just running over some tunes, Like 'Hour Glass' & 'Is That Love' They sounded absolutely fantastic. Sitting in there with them was like having my own private Squeeze show, amazing.. Anyway, We stopped as the lunch (late lunch) arrived. So, we all stopped and sat in the nice open plan reception area. We had now also finished shooting for the day. I was aware that I wanted to get going before the local football team (soccer) finished their home game and unleashed their masses on the local roads. So, we made a swift exit and headed off into the sunset and back to the North West London. Before we left, Matt and Suzanne, the management, gave Jonathan and I a copy of the new album each, 'Spot The Difference' We listened to it on the way home. It is virtually their greatest hits and brilliant.. Go and buy it! They are fantastic..
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