Pete Doherty, Shane & The Streets @ Ally Pally

Met up with Shane MacGowan & Gerry O'Boyle early evening. I drove him, Gerry & Bam Kennedy to Alexandra Palace. He is performing with Pete Doherty and Babyshambles. They are supporting The Streets. Now Mike Skinner is an odd boy. He spent most of the first song screaming at his security to remove Shane from the side of the stage, then secondly after he had been moved to the side of the photo pit. Shane was frog marched out and placed under house arrest in the dressing room. When I finished taking photos of The Streets, I went to the dressing room where shane had found a megaphone. He hilarious. He was shouting through it and having a real laugh with Gerry. I went and got my car and drove him and all away and back to insanity and safety at The Boogaloo. Shane was shouting through the megaphone all the way back in the car, he is very funny. Mike Skinner obvoiusly has some issues. Shane may be on the sauce most of the time, but is a really really nice guy and certainly didnt offend Skinner in any way. Skinner is an odd one !!
Shane & the Megaphone
Copyright 2005 Danny Clifford
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